The NFL should yank that Lombardi Trophy from the Saints.
No. They will, however, come down hard on Williams, and Payton, unless Payton can convince them he didn't know, which I doubt.
Williams apparently had this go on elsewhere on his watch. He may be effectively banned from the NFL, for something that goes on everywhere (from what I'm hearing) in the league to some degree or other. The NFL will find the proper sacrificial lamb, and make him an example. I think one thing that may be considered will be how many illegal hits, and how many players have had season/career ending injuries vs the Saints. If it's not an inordinate number, they may simply consider it a "bounty" for big hits, and not to cause injury, which I think is where the real line is crossed. If they get some players willing to rat, and say they were paying out bounties for injuries, then it could be bad. Maybe that's already come out, I don't know. I know that fuck stick Kyle Turley is running his cock holster about it. I hate rats as much as I do the bad guys.