If it started with "Vandy Vol says...", certainly it would have had more relevance and would have included your insight to the inner workings of the program and NFL.
Vandy Vol ≠Saints player.
A Saints player is more likely to say, "No, this didn't happen."
Aside from that, it has nothing to do with who says it. It has everything to do with the fact that if all they are doing is saying it, and not submitting evidence of it, then why is their word worth more than Williams, a guy who stated that Hargrove was told to lie about the existence of a bounty system and that the system he (Williams) put in place at the Saints endangered the safety of players?
What are the coaches telling you?
They're not telling me anything. Williams' and Hargrove's statements are signed and nothing has been refuted about them, other than the fact that the NFL misquoted Hargrove's statement in the media. But the actual wording of both make a strong showing that there was a bounty (pay for injury hits) system in play.
The language used in the slides regarding "bounty" and monetary payments? Not refuted; only a lame excuse given regarding the Saints' hard-on for Dog the Bounty Hunter.
No disputes that "cart-off" was a term used in the locker room or in the course of a bounty system; only a lame excuse regarding the non-obvious meaning of the term.
If Brees says it, it's the gospel. If Williams says it, it's fabricated. No prejudice there...