Gave up at 78 out of 105. C effort.
Letter #79Dear Al 22s or 24s? Druid City Auto needs to know. Nick
Letter #80Al, baby, I know all those other bitch coaches are giving telling you there's no room on our depth chart for you. Fuck those clowns. We don't even HAVE a depth chart. If they ask me about a depth chart I will whip their ass. Aight? Nick
Letter #81Dear AlWhen we get your fax it will be like the birth of Jesus, the day WWII ended and the first day I got laid all rolled into one. Your fax doesn't come? It's like the Holocaust. And you're a jew. You read history books? Nicky
Letter #82Dear Al We know what's best for you. We don't fuck around with this "injury" bullshit. play or you go. That's how we make a man out of you. Are you a pussy? Nick
Letter #83Al, my palDid you know I was in a movie? Sandra Bullock wanted to fuck me. I climbed up on that like a chihuahua on a greyhound. Don't tell the wife. Nick
Letter #84Dear Al At Alabama we believe in accountability. If we win it's because I'm the greatest coach in the history of football. If we lose it's because you fucked up and didn't follow the plan. We never get beat, we only lose because you fucked up the plan. That's how we make a man out of you. Are you a pussy?
Letter #85Dear AlexWe believe in accountability around here. If you fuck up you WILL be booed. Nobody boos better than us. We have a national championship in booing. And we just don't boo. Our fans are the best at insults and slurs. Your parents will hear stuff they thought died out in the 60s. They'll hear stuff that would make Bull Connor blush. So don't fuck up. Enjoy that Bama spirit. Saban
Letter #86Dear Al Here at Alabama we don't know the meaning of the word "tradishun" but we ascribe it to a variety of things. We also steal from other schools and call it our "tradishun." So if there's something cool your high school does, we can do that too. We'll have the history people come up with some documents that says we did it back in the 1800s and we'll claim it as our "tradishun" Nick
Letter #87Dear Al Is your fax machine broken? We will have Rufus McGuire come to your school and take you to a condo in Destin from now until signing day to make sure you have access to a working fax. Don't fuck around with this. Nick
Letter #88Dear Al I see you have five stars. Do you want to keep them? You fuck this up and take us off your list and you're down to three stars like that. I'm serious here. Don't fuck around or you'll have one measly star before we get done with you. Nick
Letter #89Dear Al I saw a leprechaun in a tree. Might have been a crackhead. Nick
Letter #90Dear Al Academics are important at Alabama. That's why we have a generous buy-back program at the SUPE store on campus. Nicky
Letter #91Dear Al I hope you like golf. I play at North River Yacht Club at least three times a month. You're marked down to caddy for me in October. Nick
Letter #92Dear Alvin,While you are working out, don 't neglect your fingers. You'll need strength to hold up the rings. Nick
Letter #93Dear Alvin,I want you to envision yourself running out of the tunnel while 102,000 manics yell Roll Tide at you! That's just spring practice. Get your bags packed for Tuscaloosa.Nick
Letter #94Dear Alvin,Georgia may have the Hope scholarship but they have ZERO HOPE of winning the SEC while I'm around here. Guaranteed. And Richt is a loser. Drop the zero and get with the hero, Alvin. Nick
Letter #95Dear AlvinDo you like the iPad? Well, my team have iPad 3s. I know they aren't commercially released yet but I told the Apple people to fork the over or else. They did. Don't worry though. It's a "study tool" so no worries with the NCAA. Do you want yours in black or white?Nick
Letter #96Dear Alvin,What's your favorite ice cream flavor? I need to put it in your file just in case we have any discipline issues. Not that I'm expecting any. ;-)Nick