I guess I've been lucky not to have had many of the encounters some have had with classless rival fans. I've seen many at a distance but the direct taunts have been few and far between for me. Had one guy give me 6th grade level smack down in of all places, Seagrove Beach a couple of summers ago. Anywho, was talking to some good friends of ours last night. The girl's father is in his early 70's and I've known him and the whole family for quite a few years. Her father had an encounter this past weekend that just made me ask, WTF?
He played golf on Saturday and on the way home, stops by Pube-Licks to get something for the grill. As he's standing at the meat cooler, this lady, about 50, walks up to him and says "Hey". He raises up and turns to face her and when he does, she reaches up and grabs a fist full of his Auburn shirt. She says, "How'd you like the score of that game this year, huh?" He's says he's stunned but is trying to see if he recognizes this woman. He's taught Sunday school at a huge church for years. Certainly this has to be someone he knows that's messing with him.
Excuse me?
Still holding on and now twisting his shirt, she says, "The Iron Bowl. Didn't turn out so good, did it?"
He realizes by her tone now that this woman is just being plain hateful. He asks her, "Are you related to any of the Updykes" "You poison anyone's trees lately?" He said she just gave him a Row Tahd and walked off.
Amazing how so many people's self worth centers around a football team's success and failures.