Christians like those men of the Auburn Creed on the football team who committed armed robbery (link); or like a coach’s wife who bitched out sports columnist and radio host Paul Finebaum (link); or like the Auburn fans who wanted Finebaum banned from campus because they disagreed with his opinion (link); or like Cecil Newton who shopped his son for cash (link) or Cam Newton who reportedly committed academic fraud at Florida; or all those Auburn men who cheated so often that Auburn has been on NCAA probation more than any other NCAA scofflaw except SMU and Arizona State
Don't even know what to do with all that compared to what Jimmy Johns, Jeremy Elder, Updyke, and Downing did, or the fact they cling to "Cam cheated" or his academic fraud. Forget the fact they're currently on probation, while Auburn hasn't been in 20 years, or that in the last 30 years, they lead the entire nation in major infractions, yet they refuse to acknowledge these facts.
Either way, nothing will help distract Auburn from the 2011 season, Alabama’s 14th national championship
This is the heart of the disconnect with those fucking sacks of shit. No matter what, it's always about football with them, and winning, or pencil whipping championships cures all in their puny minds.

Thankfully, my emoticons showed back up for this post.