It's called press talk, fluff, coach speak. I'm sure had Bush had the chance to kill Osama, he would have said no... I love how you base an entire argument on a press conference from 2002.
Regardless, saying that Bush didn't take him out in his eight years and therefore does not deserve credit is just wrong. I'm sure it was no easy task of tracking him down. Plus, he laid a lot of the ground work to finally find and kill him, as was stated by Obama. I'm sure Obama worked at it too, and gave the "order", but anyone could have given the order. That is the very end of the process. FDR did not live until the end of WWII, therefore, the victory and all credit goes to Truman. Truman ordered the dropping of the atomic bombs. Same logic.
Granted, I did not agree with a lot of things Bush did as President, I can look at this objectively. That part of the article was a rah rah piece. Republicans do it too.
So let me get this straight: Obama "had about as much to do with (taking out Bin Laden) as (you) did."
People in this thread, including yourself, go on to argue that he wasn't the military mind that devised the plan, nor was he there to actually carry it out, which of course is ridiculous and never once did I imply that he did.
Obama finishes the job that Bush never did, for whatever reason, and Bush is suddenly the military genius that devised the whole thing? Are you serious, Clark?
Also, it is argued that "Bush would have done the same thing, given the chance"
I provide a link from the Washington Post (let me guess, they're a librul shill that doesn't speak the truth like

) that states that CIA and military officials with first hand knowledge claimed they fucked up in Tora Bora.
I think you're playing semantics if you take the authors use of the phrase "Bush's policy of ignoring Bin Laden" as absolutely literal. You're splitting hairs trying to make the author's position that Bush would have just turned around and walked the other way if he had him in his crosshairs, which of course is absurd. Shifting focus,
away from Bin Laden (and towards Iraq) is clearly what he meant.