Stereotypes: They are for the most part based on real life precedence.
Ive seen each and every one of CCT's situations listed in real life from one or more people.
Sterotype Examples that are true for the most part:
Germans are stubborn, good engineers and make cool cars
French are snobby and hate the US
Muslims blow shit up and fight a lot
Jews are cheap....and also blow shit up and fight a lot.
Irish get drunk and then get angry
Japs take pictures and are shorter than avg
Blacks like big rims, rap music and fried chicken
English think they are perfect (see French)
Mexicans work cheap and like Tequila
Indians smell bad and like to be in the IT industry and own 7/11's
Italians have good food and mafiosos
Chinese make cheap goods
Russians love communism...and vodka
Swedes are blonde and tall
Brazilian and Spanish women are hot
RWS fucks goats