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Just Stop Already


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Just Stop Already
« on: January 03, 2012, 12:31:41 PM »
On our local sports talk show this morning, I believe the first 10 callers all tried desperately to spin what they had seen in the Bowls so far to justify Bama being in the BCS Championship game.  If I heard "CLEARLY, these are the two best teams" once, I heard it 8,451 times.

Ooo...Ooo...did you see Washington and Baylor?  They don't play defense. Clearly, the two best...

Stanford ran up and down the field on OSU.  It was ridiculous.  Clearly, the two best teams....

LSU ripped Oregon a new one so clearly the two...

Let me say first off, whether it's right or wrong, whether they are or aren't....my personal opinion is that the two best teams are in fact playing.  But people, let it go...you're in.  It's not going to change.  Enjoy it. The detractors to this game aren't railing against Bama or LSU, only the system and a sport that is the only one left on earth that doesn't require teams to go through some semblence of proving it on the field.

As an Auburn man, I was happy my program got it's shot at..and grabbed the brass ring.  The system worked out in our favor, but I'm not going to be a hypocrit and say that a "Plus 1" game against TCU or whoever wouldn't have been the better choice to prove it all on the field.  My feeling is and always will be, you don't know how teams match up until they actually square off on the field.  Let me use Bama as a prime example:

The 92' team is undoubtedly the team or more specifically, the defense that all subsequent Bama teams are measured against.  In fact, I heard it this morning in one callers attempt to further justify Bama's participation in this year's game. This defense is better than the 92' D, so CLEARLY... Well, those old enough to clearly remember that game and the hype leading up to it recall that Miami was clearly the better team.  So clear in fact that they were a double digit favorite.  It was just a matter of the U naming the score.  Clearly, they got their asses kicked...and would have 9 out of 10 times.  What if they took a vote beforehand and didn't play the game?

Clearly, USC and Oklahoma were the 2 best teams in 04'.

Clearly, OSU/Meatchicken was the game of the century between the 2 best teams evah and those 2 should definitely...

Clearly, Georgetown is 20 points better than Villanova...UNLV is clearly 30 points better than Duke...

Clearly, Joe Namath and the Jets have no chance...

Do I think the two best teams are playing this year?  I do...but it's just my opinion.  Do I think the sytem failed again, like it does most years?  Yep. But until the current system is thrown in the dumpster, it's going to continue to fail.  So, relax Bama fan, no need to make your case...you're in.
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My doctor told me I needed to stop masturbating.  I asked him why, and he said, "because I'm trying to examine you."


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Re: Just Stop Already
« Reply #1 on: January 03, 2012, 12:40:50 PM »
I really thought this was going to be a post telling everybody to stop saying that you had no balls. 
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Re: Just Stop Already
« Reply #2 on: January 03, 2012, 12:47:23 PM »
I really thought this was going to be a post telling everybody to stop saying that you had no balls.

New material...ur doin' it wrong.
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My doctor told me I needed to stop masturbating.  I asked him why, and he said, "because I'm trying to examine you."