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Surprised Clay Travis lived through the Christmas weekend after this...


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Which is more legit: Bama's 13 national titles or Kim Jong-Il's 11 holes in one?

Published on: December 19, 2011 | Written by: Clay Travis

Late last night news broke that Korean dictator and ruler Kim Jong-Il had died at 69 years old. If you're anything like me -- and lots of y'all are -- you immediately thought of Kim Jong-Il's amazing round of golf. The North Korean news agency reported that Kim Jong-Il shot a 38, that's 34 below par, including an amazing 11 holes-in-one. In case you're wondering, the PGA Tour record is a 59. And if you think that the dear leader wasn't capable of besting the best golfers in the world by 21 strokes, well, you're a damn fool.

See, in totalitarian regimes people come to accept fundamental untruths because they've lost the ability to think for themselves.

Which brings us to Alabama's "13" national titles.

I got to wondering, which is more legitimate, Kim Jong-Il's 11 holes in one or Alabama's 13 national titles?

So, yeah, it's impossible.

(FYI, Golf Digest calculated that the odds of getting a single hole in one on a round of 18 is 12,000 to 1. I can't even do the math to figure out what the odds on 11 holes in one would be. Someone help me in the comments.)

Much like Alabama's claim to 13 national titles, 11 holes in one is impossible.

(If Alabama beats LSU there will be video of fans storming in to apparel stores to buy "Got 14" t-shirts. Sadly, I'm not even making this up).

But how many people will blindly acquiesce to Alabama's claimed 13 titles?

Most of the nation.

Which is a shame because many of the Bama titles are completely illegitimate.

Indeed, the NCAA recognizes eight titles for the Crimson Tide. The SEC agrees with that number.

So where do the extra five titles come from? The ones that make Bama fans walk around in those stupid "Got 13" t-shirts?

They're made up.

In 1983 Alabama's sports information director simply added five unrecognized national titles to the media guide.

Seriously, he did that.

That year five addtional titles appeared out of thin air, all from pre-1941.

And now Alabama fans believe these titles are all legit. Even though these titles aren't recognized by the SEC or the NCAA.

My favorite is the claimed title from 1941 when Alabama finished third in the SEC with losses to Mississippi State and Vanderbilt. (The sports information director, and I'm not making this up, cited the loss to Mississippi State as coming in the rain and the loss to Vandy as "close.")

The Crimson Tide finished 20th in the nation that year.

National champs!

You can read an excellent piece from Jon Solomon on those "titles" here. 

My favorite part of the article is that no one even asks about the added titles. Proving that if you make something up that people want to hear, it can become fact.

So I'm claiming five national titles for Outkick the Coverage.

Got five, ESPN.com?

Don't think so.

Got five, CBSSports.com?

No way.

Five titles?

In Yahoo's dreams.

Rest in peace -- okay not really -- Kim Jong-Il, your holes in one are like Bama's 13 titles -- mythical accomplishments accepted by fools.

And one particularly bammerish comment from an "entitled bammer"

Les Walters ยท Hamilton, Alabama
Actually, NCAA record book credits UA with 17 national titles. Would gladly give the '41 title back. First to admit, this is crazy claim. But in return, we want the 1945, 1966 and 1977 titles the school should rightfully have. And to say Alabama is incorrect in claiming the other titles from the 1920s and 1930s, is not accurate either. The school claims those titles which were awarded by a recognizable source at the time. Sure, it is not the AP poll, but that was not around at the time. Again, I will gladly surrender the 1941 title, but let's be fair and award Alabama those other three that should have been theirs in the first place.
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The Prowler

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Re: Surprised Clay Travis lived through the Christmas weekend after this...
« Reply #1 on: December 28, 2011, 01:37:38 AM »
Wanna know why uat claimed those extra titles back in '83?  It's called having little brother syndrome, they were trying to keep up with Notre Dame.
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Re: Surprised Clay Travis lived through the Christmas weekend after this...
« Reply #2 on: December 28, 2011, 09:58:04 AM »
Wanna know why uat claimed those extra titles back in '83?  It's called having little brother syndrome, they were trying to keep up with Notre Dame.

This guy knows. I read on a site somewhere that if ND counted NC's in the same liberal fashion as Bammer, they would have around 27.
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