I swore off PF for most of the season but I've gotten back into my routine of listening for a few minutes on my drive home from work. Yesterday, as is the case most days, I wanted to reach through the radio and strangle that bald fuck. He had Gary Danielson on, as he has for some time now. Now, I've actually come to respect Danielson as a color guy. Used to not care for him and truth be known, it was because he told it like it was during an Auburn broadcast. How dare he criticize my team. But, I've come to respect the guy. Knowledgeable, tells it like it is and isn't afraid to stand by his opinion.
Anyway, lately he's been very vocal about the same things that Tim Brando has the Crimpsum faithful all up in arms about. They both feel that Bama being in the BCS championship game is further proof that the system is extremely flawed and needs to be done away with. Now, both Brando and Danielson have also been very vocal about the fact that they feel Bama is probably the 2nd best team and have no personal qualm with the program. They just question a system that allows a team that didn't win their conference or division....you've heard it all 1000X.
Well yesterday, PF subjects Gary Danielson to his horde of Bama faithful and they unloaded on him with both barrels. Jim from Tuscalooosa was literally hollering at the top of his lungs and telling Danielson he "made it personal". Danielson kept his cool and did his best to explain his stance....again...over the non-stop caller rants and you could easily tell he was getting flustered big time. First off, I understand the premise of Finedong's show, but this was in my opinion, an extremely classless move on his part. Subjecting Danielson to what amounted to abuse for the sake of entertainment and ratings was a new low IMO. Gary Danielson has absolutely nothing to gain by going on Fineschlong's show. I would assume he's not getting paid and does the interviews out of courtesy. Why he would ever consider going back on that show is beyond me.
Rant off.