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Gingrich watch


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Re: Gingrich watch
« Reply #40 on: January 25, 2012, 03:41:37 PM »
Iowa's evangelicals and hicks bought that crap from Romney and Santorum. It will not be as effective in most other states.


Santorum needs to drop off the face of the earth.  No one would miss him.  Ron Paul..........I love the ole coot, I actually agree with his foreign policy, If, IF we lived in a perfect world, but we don't, so it's batshit crazy.  His economic policies would be spot on.  I also think that it would be a good idea to have him as the Sec of Treasury.

I read something the other day about Paul, and he is going to be the winner.  He knows that he can run 3rd party and kill the Republicans chances.  Rumors are out that he is going to hold the party hostage and make them get tough and start to look into pushing his agenda to not run as a third part candidate.   Pretty smart on his part.  I wouldn't mind for some of his agenda to get pushed through.  As long as it is not foreign policy related.  Then again this is all rumor and he might not even be thinking this.  He need not run third party if he cares about Rand's hopes as a politician.  I have also noticed that some of the Ron Paul fringe saying "we can't wait for Rand to run".  I chortle knowing that he is nothing like his dad when it comes to foreign relations.

I think if Newt can pick up some of Perry's supporters and if Santorum would go ahead and drop out, we are looking at Newt as being the nominee. 
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Courage is only fear holding on a minute longer.--George S. Patton

There are gonna be days when you lay your guts on the line and you come away empty handed, there ain't a damn thing you can do about it but go back out there and lay em on the line again...and again, and again! -- Coach Pat Dye

It isn't that liberals are ignorant. It's just they know so much that isn't so. --Ronald Reagan


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Re: Gingrich watch
« Reply #41 on: January 25, 2012, 04:00:12 PM »
I think if Newt can pick up some of Perry's supporters and if Santorum would go ahead and drop out, we are looking at Newt as being the nominee.

I think I read just a day after Perry decided to step out that he publicly supported Newt. This would help. I also think that the majority of Santorum supporters would also back Newt.

Also, it appears that Newt has big money backing him now.

Behind Gingrich's Rise, Billionaire Pal Sheldon Adelson

Before Newt Gingrich dominated the South Carolina primary, a so-called super PAC supporting him spent millions of dollars savaging Mitt Romney in negative ads and fliers.

A driving force behind that super PAC is Sheldon Adelson, a Las Vegas casino tycoon who has translated his deep friendship with Gingrich into a financial bonanza to buoy his candidacy. Adelson gave the PAC, Winning Our Future, $5 million just before the South Carolina primary, and this week, his wife gave the group another $5 million.

The Adelsons make Mitt Romney look like Tom Joad. Adelson, the eighth-richest American, is worth more than $20 billion. He built the iconic Venetian hotel (and another in Macao to match) and has given to a host of Jewish causes — in addition to funding a nonprofit group that led to Gingrich's presidential run.

Adelson met Gingrich when he was the speaker of the House, and they bonded over their dedication to support Israel as Congress debated passing a bill that would encourage the American Embassy in Tel Aviv to be moved to Jerusalem, the capital. Since then they've been friends, with obvious benefits.

"He admires and likes Newt for his intellect and his creativity, and those are two traits that are very strong with Sheldon himself," said Robert List, a former governor of Nevada who was Adelson's legal counsel when he acquired the historic Sands Hotel. "It's no surprise that he's liked Newt from the beginning."

In October, Adelson attended a fundraiser for Gingrich at a Las Vegas restaurant owned by George Harris, a former political consultant who worked for the casino baron for years and ate lunch with him every day. They raised $60,000 for Gingrich.

Next week, Gingrich is due back at the restaurant, and so is Adelson, Harris said. Nevada's Republican caucus is Feb. 4.

"Sheldon Adelson — if he said he's going to do something, he does it," Harris said. "He's a humongous supporter of Newt. They're friends. They're buddies. It's a true relationship."

The money that the Adelsons have given to Winning Our Future is double what the super PAC has already spent to support Gingrich, which is just over $5 million as of Wednesday. It's unclear how much money the group has ready to spend, because super PACs aren't required to report how much they've raised until the end of January — after the four first primary contests.

Lifted by the donation from Adelson's wife, Winning Our Future is placing a big bet on the Florida primary, spending $6 million to run a TV ad that demonizes the health care plan that Romney led in Massachusetts.

The plan is awfully similar to what happened in South Carolina, where Romney's lead over the other candidates shrank by the day as the pro-Gingrich super PAC crowded the airwaves with anti-Romney commercials. Now the PAC is spending much more in Florida, though the Adelsons are said to have asked that the ads be positive.

"He wants to advance Newt's cause," List said. "He'll do what he can to help."

Gingrich was seen as a serious candidate only recently, months after Adelson first attended that Las Vegas fundraiser for him in October. The headlines were about Romney, and Gingrich was being called a long-shot. In some ways, Adelson's friends saw a parallel to a meeting with his senior staff when he was describing his vision to build a "new Las Vegas strip" in Macao.

"At that time, it was just a dream, and huge, involving billions and billions and billions of dollars," List said. "People were sitting around the table saying, 'Do you really think this could happen?' You know? And it did."

In an alternate universe, if Gingrich had never befriended Adelson years ago, the super PAC supporting the former speaker would probably have a significantly diminished effect. Perhaps South Carolina would have gone Romney's way, all but crowning him the nominee before January is over. Or maybe Gingrich's victory would have just been smaller.

Either way, Adelson reportedly doesn't expect anything in return from Gingrich. "Sheldon doesn't need anything from anybody," Harris said.

And those who know Adelson well say that despite his loyalty to Gingrich, he'll be quick to reopen his checkbook for Romney if the ex-governor wins the Republican nomination.

"I don't think there's any doubt that he would support Romney, absolutely not one doubt in the entire world," said Fred Zeidman, a Romney fundraiser who speaks often with Adelson and who was the chairman of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Council (the Adelsons have donated profusely to the museum). "This is all about beating Barack Obama."

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Re: Gingrich watch
« Reply #42 on: January 25, 2012, 04:05:49 PM »
I think I read just a day after Perry decided to step out that he publicly supported Newt. This would help. I also think that the majority of Santorum supporters would also back Newt.

Also, it appears that Newt has big money backing him now.


With Romney's SUPER PACs and millions.......an eye for an eye.
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Re: Gingrich watch
« Reply #43 on: January 25, 2012, 04:07:19 PM »
Pelosi knows....something
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Re: Gingrich watch
« Reply #44 on: January 25, 2012, 04:08:45 PM »

Santorum needs to drop off the face of the earth.  No one would miss him.  Ron Paul..........I love the ole coot, I actually agree with his foreign policy, If, IF we lived in a perfect world, but we don't, so it's batshit crazy.  His economic policies would be spot on.  I also think that it would be a good idea to have him as the Sec of Treasury.

I read something the other day about Paul, and he is going to be the winner.  He knows that he can run 3rd party and kill the Republicans chances.  Rumors are out that he is going to hold the party hostage and make them get tough and start to look into pushing his agenda to not run as a third part candidate.   Pretty smart on his part.  I wouldn't mind for some of his agenda to get pushed through.  As long as it is not foreign policy related.  Then again this is all rumor and he might not even be thinking this.  He need not run third party if he cares about Rand's hopes as a politician.  I have also noticed that some of the Ron Paul fringe saying "we can't wait for Rand to run".  I chortle knowing that he is nothing like his dad when it comes to foreign relations.

I think if Newt can pick up some of Perry's supporters and if Santorum would go ahead and drop out, we are looking at Newt as being the nominee.

Then there is the fact that Ron Paul's claim that the reason the Arabs have been pissed at the world for eternity due to America, is factually inaccurate as hell. I posted a few pages back last week, these folks have been running crusades against "infidels" long before the US was even thought about.
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Re: Gingrich watch
« Reply #45 on: January 27, 2012, 10:12:28 AM »
This may sting a little.....for Gingrich anyways.

Gingrich under fire from conservative media
By BETH FOUHY | Associated Press – 5 hrs ago....Email

Forget the so-called liberal media. Right now Newt Gingrich's most ardent critics are conservative pundits and columnists, many of whom have launched aggressive campaigns to discredit him and trip up his run for the Republican nomination.

This crew has largely been lukewarm about Gingrich's chief rival, Mitt Romney, considering him too moderate. But their open criticism of Gingrich is evidence that for all their misgivings about the former Massachusetts governor, they see him as a much stronger contender against President Barack Obama.

To hear columnists Ann Coulter and Charles Krauthammer and the conservative media aggregator Matt Drudge tell it, Gingrich is an inconsistent conservative who didn't fully support President Ronald Reagan and whose undisciplined nature mirrored that of President Bill Clinton, who was Gingrich's Democratic adversary in the 1990s.

The conservative media hits against Gingrich have come with force just as the GOP establishment seems to be rallying around Romney in earnest, perhaps out of fear that Gingrich may end up winning the nomination.

On Thursday, Romney's campaign released a scathing open letter from the 1996 Republican presidential nominee, Bob Dole, who served as Senate Republican leader when Gingrich presided over the House. In the letter, Dole glowingly endorses Romney and repudiates Gingrich.

"If Gingrich is the nominee it will have an adverse impact on Republican candidates running for county, state, and federal offices," Dole wrote. "Hardly anyone who served with Newt in Congress has endorsed him and that fact speaks for itself. He was a one-man-band who rarely took advice. It was his way or the highway."

Jacob Heilbrunn, in the conservative-leaning magazine The National Interest, mused that Gingrich "is essentially bragging that his prime credential to become president is that he's willing to debate for hours and bring a knuckle-duster. This is evidence of his sober judgment? This is supposed to induce swing voters to back him?"

Conservative radio titan Rush Limbaugh also weighed in, seemingly to defend Gingrich from some of the attacks. But, in doing so, he also vividly outlined many of the critiques against Gingrich from other conservatives.

Conservatives "are raising questions here about Newt and his mendacity, his forthrightness — it's incredible," Limbaugh marveled on his show Thursday.

Gingrich stormed to a decisive win over Romney in the South Carolina primary last week fueled in part by two well-timed attacks on the news media. Both came during nationally televised debates, guaranteeing maximum exposure.

In a CNN debate, Gingrich pushed back at anchor John King when King questioned him about an interview Gingrich's second wife, Marianne, had given ABC News. In the interview, Marianne Gingrich suggested her husband had asked her for an open marriage so he could carry on with a mistress, Callista Bisek, now his third wife.

"I think the destructive, vicious, negative nature of much of the news media makes it harder to govern this country, harder to attract decent people to run for public office. And I am appalled that you would begin a presidential debate on a topic like that," Gingrich said. "I am tired of the elite media protecting Barack Obama by attacking Republicans."

The audience rose in a standing ovation.

Gingrich also told King that his campaign had given ABC News the names of friends who would vouch for him but that the network had rejected the offer. On Wednesday, a Gingrich spokesman acknowledged that the claim was a mistake and that the campaign had offered only Gingrich's two adult daughters to defend him.

Gingrich drew raves at another Fox News debate before the South Carolina primary when asked about his oft-stated assertion that Obama is a "food stamp president." He angrily denied the statement had anything to do with race.

Mark Jurkowitz of the Pew Center for Excellence in Journalism said Gingrich had tapped into longstanding resentment of many conservatives against mainstream news outlets.

"Running against the elite media — we've seen now for a good 30 years — certainly has resonance among Republican base voters. In conservative circles, there's been the perception that the media are tilted against them," Jurkowitz said.

Brent Bozell, founder of the conservative Media Research Center, announced Thursday that his group was set to spend $5 million on an advertising campaign to expose media bias in the 2012 election.

"You have a left-leaning media that's out of control. You've got to corral them," Bozell said in a news briefing, promising radio ads, billboards and an "unprecedented" effort in social media outlets like Twitter and Facebook.

Gingrich, for his part, promised in his South Carolina victory speech to keep up his attacks on the media. But the hits he took this week while campaigning in Florida came from other conservatives.

By Thursday, Gingrich was disparaging the Commission on Presidential Debates, suggesting he might not participate in debates the commission organizes if he becomes the Republican nominee.

"We've had enough of newsmen deciding what the topics would be," Gingrich told supporters in Jacksonville, many of whom waved "Don't Believe the Liberal Media" signs.

Later, Gingrich was asked about the attacks from conservative pundits, particularly from the American Spectator's Emmett Tyrell, who wrote that Gingrich has had "private encounters with the fair sex that doubtless will come out."

Gingrich tried to turn such criticisms to his advantage, suggesting they represent "establishment" thinking.

"Tyrrell has to write whatever Tyrrell wants to write," Gingrich said. "There's the Washington establishment sitting around in a frenzy, having coffee, lunch and cocktail hour talking about, 'How do we stop Gingrich?'"

While Gingrich relishes bashing the media "elite" in public, he is friendly with the reporters who cover his campaign and makes himself available for media questions daily on the campaign trail. He seems to relish the back-and-forth with journalists, sometimes labeling questions he dislikes "bizarre."

At a campaign stop in South Carolina, he wished a reporter covering his campaign a happy birthday, and he typically stops by to chat with reporters at dinner after a day of campaigning.

« Last Edit: January 27, 2012, 10:13:10 AM by djsimp »
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Re: Gingrich watch
« Reply #46 on: January 27, 2012, 10:17:54 AM »
This may sting a little.....for Gingrich anyways.


Maybe Krautface and that stupid bitch Coulter should actually talk to Michael Reagan and Nancy Reagan. They disagree. So do these pundits know more about Newt's relationship to Ronnie than his own family? As Limbaugh says below, there is a coordinated attack to take Newt out of this race by the GOP Establishment.  Emphasis on bolded in 2nd part of article.  I guess it was lost on me too that Romney voted for Carter and Mondale against Reagan. He also voted for Paul Tsongas against Bill Clinton in 1992. Wow.

On a side note: Tom DeLay and Bob Dole???? REALLY???? Sad.

Mike Reagan, Rush Limbaugh Blast Romney

By Jim Meyers

Ronald Reagan's eldest son Mike Reagan has issued a statement lambasting Mitt Romney and his supporters for claims that Romney's Republican presidential rival Newt Gingrich was a strong critic of President Reagan.

Reagan says such claims are false.

Even Rush Limbaugh, shocked by the Romney claims, chimed on his Thursday radio broadcast to say "This is obviously a coordinated attack to take Newt out here in Florida."

Rush slammed the Romney-backed smear campaign against Newt.

"That kind of stuff is why people hate Romney so much," Limbaugh said.

Limbaugh added that Newt has always been a conservative from his early days in national talk radio in the 1980s.

"He was perhaps the premier defender of Ronald Reagan," Limbaugh said.

On Thursday, Mike Reagan, a respected conservative commentator, responded to the Gingrich critics with this statement to Newsmax:

"I am deeply disturbed that supporters of Mitt Romney are claiming that Newt Gingrich is not a true Reaganite and are even claiming that Newt was a strong critic of my father.

"Recently I endorsed Newt Gingrich for president because I believe that Newt is the only Republican candidate who has both consistently backed the conservative policies that my father championed and the only Republican that will continue to implement his vision.

"It surprises me that Mitt Romney and his supporters would raise this issue - when Mitt by his own admission voted for Jimmy Carter and Walter Mondale who opposed my father, and later supported liberal Democrat Paul Tsongas for president.

"As governor of Massachusetts, Romney's achievement was the most socialistic healthcare plan in the nation up until that time.

"Say what you want about Newt Gingrich but when he was Speaker of the House he surrounded himself with Reagan conservatives and implemented a Ronald Reagan program of low taxes and restrained federal spending.

"Newt's conservative program created a huge economic boom and balanced the budget for the first time in more than a generation."

Mike Reagan concluded: "I would take Newt Gingrich's record any day over Mitt Romney's."

And Nancy Reagan, Reagan's wife, has stressed Gingrich's close relationship with her late husband.

In a 1995 speech at a dinner honoring Ronald Reagan, Nancy said: "The dramatic movement of 1995 is an outgrowth of a much earlier crusade that goes back half a century. Barry Goldwater handed the torch to Ronnie, and in turn Ronnie turned that torch over to Newt and the Republican members of Congress to keep that dream alive."

« Last Edit: January 27, 2012, 10:19:15 AM by GH2001 »
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Re: Gingrich watch
« Reply #47 on: January 27, 2012, 10:26:14 AM »
Maybe Krautface and that stupid bitch Coulter should actually talk to Michael Reagan and Nancy Reagan. They disagree. So do these pundits know more about Newt's relationship to Ronnie than his own family? As Limbaugh says below, there is a coordinated attack to take Newt out of this race by the GOP Establishment.  Emphasis on bolded in 2nd part of article.  I guess it was lost on me too that Romney voted for Carter and Mondale against Reagan. He also voted for Paul Tsongas against Bill Clinton in 1992. Wow.

On a side note: Tom DeLay and Bob Dole???? REALLY???? Sad.

All of this.  Although I don't dislike Krautface (love that name for him) I hate Coulter with a passion.  She is an arrogant bitch, who says stupid shit to sell books.  I heard her make a comment on Hannity one night about how our founding fathers would be disappointed, yada ,yada, yada......and she is correct. But she is so far right that they would horse laugh her and her adams apple right out of the studio. 

I think Newt is going to shock folks and take FL. 

To hear columnists Ann Coulter and Charles Krauthammer and the conservative media aggregator Matt Drudge tell it, Gingrich is an inconsistent conservative who didn't fully support President Ronald Reagan and whose undisciplined nature mirrored that of President Bill Clinton, who was Gingrich's Democratic adversary in the 1990s.

Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong.  Ask Dick Morris how wrong that is.  They worked together and Clinton was forced to sign a lot of things that he didn't want.  Newt was not a mirror of Clinton. 

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Courage is only fear holding on a minute longer.--George S. Patton

There are gonna be days when you lay your guts on the line and you come away empty handed, there ain't a damn thing you can do about it but go back out there and lay em on the line again...and again, and again! -- Coach Pat Dye

It isn't that liberals are ignorant. It's just they know so much that isn't so. --Ronald Reagan


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Re: Gingrich watch
« Reply #48 on: January 27, 2012, 11:19:56 AM »
All of this.  Although I don't dislike Krautface (love that name for him) I hate Coulter with a passion.  She is an arrogant bitch, who says stupid shit to sell books.  I heard her make a comment on Hannity one night about how our founding fathers would be disappointed, yada ,yada, yada......and she is correct. But she is so far right that they would horse laugh her and her adams apple right out of the studio. 

I think Newt is going to shock folks and take FL. 

Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong.  Ask Dick Morris how wrong that is.  They worked together and Clinton was forced to sign a lot of things that he didn't want.  Newt was not a mirror of Clinton.

In fact Newt made Bill his little bitch and in the end made him look really good. He made a lot of enemies in DC as speaker because he went against the establishment then like he is doing now.
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Re: Gingrich watch
« Reply #49 on: January 27, 2012, 11:24:31 AM »
In fact Newt made Bill his little bitch and in the end made him look really good. He made a lot of enemies in DC as speaker because he went against the establishment then like he is doing now.

I would say that most of the time, going against the establishment is not smart politics. In our current era, this may actually be the smart thing to do, as far as the voters go anyway.
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Re: Gingrich watch
« Reply #50 on: January 27, 2012, 11:28:28 AM »
Along the same lines...
Romney and Gingrich spar over immigration, housing and personal investments at Florida debate
By Rachel Rose Hartman

The tension between Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich as the Florida primary approaches was on display Thursday at a Republican presidential debate in Jacksonville, Fla. The two men attacked each other on immigration, housing and their personal investments.

"The idea that I am anti-immigrant is repulsive," Romney told Gingrich, referring to an accusation in a Spanish-language ad that Gingrich later pulled from the airwaves. "You should apologize."

Fifty delegates are up for grabs for a single candidate in the Jan. 31 primary. Florida chose to flout Republican National Committee rules and allocate all of its delegates in a winner-take-all election.

In a rare moment of solidarity in the debate, Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich expressed support for Romney's policy of "self-deportation," an attempt to improve enforcement of the laws so that illegal immigrants leave the United States because they can't find suitable employment.

"I actually agree with Governor Romney," Santorum said. "We have to have a country that not only do you respect the law when you come here, you respect the law when you stay here."

But Gingrich and Romney quickly turned on one another, sparring over immigration and the housing crisis.

Romney said Gingrich should have been "a whistleblower, not a horn tooter" on the housing crisis, highlighting Gingrich's work for housing giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Gingrich turned that around by accusing Romney of profiting from major entities that have gone into crisis, including Fannie and Freddie as well as Goldman Sachs.

Romney's defense was "my investments are not made by me," but are instead managed in a blind trust. "Have you checked your own investments?" he asked Gingrich.

At times, each of the candidates expressed annoyance with debate moderator Wolf Blitzer's focus on the conflict between the two frontrunners.

"This subject really doesn't interest me a whole lot," Ron Paul said when asked to comment on the two candidates' argument over their connections to the housing crisis.

"These two gentlemen are distracting from the most important issues we have," Santorum said.

When an unemployed woman in the audience asked the candidates about health care, Santorum took the opportunity to attack Romney for "Romneycare," arguing that a candidate who supports a individual mandate to purchase health insurance in his home state is not the best opponent to take on Barack Obama in November.

"We can't give this issue away in this election," Santorum said.

On the subject of U.S. relations with Cuba, Gingrich, Romney and Santorum took a hard line against dictator Fidel Castro--the position taken by a majority of Republicans--while Paul, who is anti-war, argued that isolating Castro only empowers him. Sanctions "inevitably backfire," Paul said, pushing instead for opening trade relations with the country.

When asked to name a Hispanic they would consider placing in their cabinet, Romney, Gingrich and Santorum each named one of Florida's highest-profile Cubans: Marco Rubio. Rubio, a Republican senator, was himself courted to run for president this cycle following his successful tea party candidacy in 2010.

Gingrich took the question a step further, teasing that he has Rubio on his vice presidential short list. I had a "central," "more dignified" role for Rubio in mind, Gingrich said
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Re: Gingrich watch
« Reply #51 on: January 27, 2012, 11:30:40 AM »
I would say that most of the time, going against the establishment is not smart politics. In our current era, this may actually be the smart thing to do, as far as the voters go anyway.

From 94-2000 it got results. He got Congress away from the Bush policies and back to Reagan policies. And it worked. It pissed off a lot of the establishment Bush types like Dole and DeLay.
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Re: Gingrich watch
« Reply #52 on: January 27, 2012, 11:33:58 AM »
From 94-2000 it got results. He got Congress away from the Bush policies and back to Reagan policies. And it worked. It pissed off a lot of the establishment Bush types like Dole and DeLay.

Yes, but I'm strictly referring to one making a Presidential run and the surface level of politics in a voters view.
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Re: Gingrich watch
« Reply #53 on: February 08, 2012, 08:39:03 AM »
Its amazing how in just a week and a half things can change so drastically. Maybe I'm going out on a limb here but I think Gingrich is done.
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Re: Gingrich watch
« Reply #54 on: February 08, 2012, 11:36:41 AM »
Its amazing how in just a week and a half things can change so drastically. Maybe I'm going out on a limb here but I think Gingrich is done.
The Repuklickin' establishment along with the lamestream media made this decision for us.  Romney will be the nominee.  Another fair weather, McCain-like moderate...  Just like Bush 41 and Bush 43...  My early predictions...  He'll try to fix healthcare rather than repeal it, and he'll end up raising taxes just like Bush 41. 
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Re: Gingrich watch
« Reply #55 on: February 08, 2012, 11:50:00 AM »
The Repuklickin' establishment along with the lamestream media made this decision for us.  Romney will be the nominee.  Another fair weather, McCain-like moderate...  Just like Bush 41 and Bush 43...  My early predictions...  He'll try to fix healthcare rather than repeal it, and he'll end up raising taxes just like Bush 41.

They aren't worried about fixing this country.  They think and are convinced that Romney is the best chance to beat Obama and that is what they pushed for.  Forget the fact that the shitty healthcare bill is patterened after Romney's, forget the fact that he is a liberal lite, he has that R behind his name and that is all that matters.   Fuck'em.  I hope the Republicans get majority control of the house and senate, and Obama wins in a way.  That way a real Conservative Republican like Paul Ryan, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio or someone else can run with a real chance in 2016.  If I have to suffer for 4 more years to get my "Reagan" then so be it.

On the other hand, Romeny would be smidgen better than Obama, but to me would almost be business as usual.
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Courage is only fear holding on a minute longer.--George S. Patton

There are gonna be days when you lay your guts on the line and you come away empty handed, there ain't a damn thing you can do about it but go back out there and lay em on the line again...and again, and again! -- Coach Pat Dye

It isn't that liberals are ignorant. It's just they know so much that isn't so. --Ronald Reagan


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Re: Gingrich watch
« Reply #56 on: February 08, 2012, 01:29:15 PM »
They aren't worried about fixing this country.  They think and are convinced that Romney is the best chance to beat Obama and that is what they pushed for.  Forget the fact that the shitty healthcare bill is patterened after Romney's, forget the fact that he is a liberal lite, he has that R behind his name and that is all that matters.   Fuck'em.  I hope the Republicans get majority control of the house and senate, and Obama wins in a way.  That way a real Conservative Republican like Paul Ryan, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio or someone else can run with a real chance in 2016.  If I have to suffer for 4 more years to get my "Reagan" then so be it.

On the other hand, Romeny would be smidgen better than Obama, but to me would almost be business as usual.

Newt was right - Romney will just manage the chaos, not fix it. He's a RINO to the core. Voted for Mondale, Voted for Carter, Voted for Tsongas AGAINST Clinton in 1992. Lifelong demo until 1994. Being a lifelong demo in itself isn't that bad, but its the kind of democrat he was (liberal from Mass.). He wasn't a lifelong democrat in the way that Reagan was before 1964.
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Re: Gingrich watch
« Reply #57 on: February 08, 2012, 01:43:13 PM »
Newt was right - Romney will just manage the chaos, not fix it. He's a RINO to the core. Voted for Mondale, Voted for Carter, Voted for Tsongas AGAINST Clinton in 1992. Lifelong demo until 1994. Being a lifelong demo in itself isn't that bad, but its the kind of democrat he was (liberal from Mass.). He wasn't a lifelong democrat in the way that Reagan was before 1964.

Even way back then, your democrats had some conservative tendencies to them.   Then they were taken over by McGovern, but the downfall started several years before that. 

I honestly think that Romney will be mostly business as usual.   
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Courage is only fear holding on a minute longer.--George S. Patton

There are gonna be days when you lay your guts on the line and you come away empty handed, there ain't a damn thing you can do about it but go back out there and lay em on the line again...and again, and again! -- Coach Pat Dye

It isn't that liberals are ignorant. It's just they know so much that isn't so. --Ronald Reagan


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Re: Gingrich watch
« Reply #58 on: February 08, 2012, 02:22:09 PM »
Even way back then, your democrats had some conservative tendencies to them.   Then they were taken over by McGovern, but the downfall started several years before that. 

I honestly think that Romney will be mostly business as usual.

The downfall started on a nice day in Dallas in 1963.

Then the liberal demos took over, and its never been the same. That is by no coincidence the same year Reagan switched sides. Johnson took the party off a ledge.
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Re: Gingrich watch
« Reply #59 on: February 08, 2012, 03:35:47 PM »
The downfall started on a nice day in Dallas in 1963.

Then the liberal demos took over, and its never been the same. That is by no coincidence the same year Reagan switched sides. Johnson took the party off a ledge.
Ummm...  Have you forgotten about FDR's New Raw Deal programs? 
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