OK Here is my rant. The problem with this country right now stems in the 18-30 year old age group. This generation has a tendency to believe that they are deserving of all the success that their parents or elders currently enjoy. In expecting this success they fail to realize that the older generation worked their collective asses off to get to the point in life that they now enjoy. Instead of realizing that you start at the bottom and work your way up, the younger generation would rather tattoo up and place every body piercing known to man in a place that would repulse most normal human beings. Once they do this to themselves they seem to not understand why we, the older generation, thumb our noses on them and won't hire or give them the same opportunities that we had. After "dissing the man" they then start to blame us older folks for all of their woes. In come a candidate like Obam that tells them that he is going to level the playing field and take all the money away from the successfull and redistribute it to the "needy". These are the people that buy into the Obama mania. God help this country if this communist ends up being our president.