destruction Obama's big victory finds me mildly amused to hear my Democrat colleagues decrying yet again how the "conservative media" (their words) have so vilified Hillary that she didn't have much of a winning chance the past few months of campaigning. "She's been the most vilified politician in the last few decades" they say (never mind that George W. Bush probably fits that mold more than Hillary).
It looks like at this point that Hillary may get one last small victory in the South Dakota primary but unless she takes some kind of legal action regarding the DNC's final solution to Michigan and Florida I will predict that she's politically DOA in the Denver convention this year. Obviously she was complicit to a certain extent with the enfranchisement of the delegates from those two states so that action would weaken her position somewhat in continuing the fight. Or she might have a shot by
paying off talking to the last remaining uncommitted superdelegates to convince them to side with her and possibly make her position a little stronger in Denver.
I guess as GarMan says the Democrat voters are not ready for a woman leader chosing instead a young, inexperienced black MAN. What a setback for Women's Rights (read as sarcasm)! What a bunch of sexists! (What will the femi-nazis say?)
One of my Democrat colleagues said before leaving work today "Is it wrong for me to wish for Obama's assassination if Hillary is his Vice-President?"
Wonder what threat level color of pant-suit she'll be wearing tomorrow...
High comedy.
On to Denver!