TrotterMoseley curls up like a rape victim and gets fucked.
This, more than anything, is what disheartens me. No guts. No balls. First sign of pressure, first guy slips a block and our dual threat QB pulls the ball to his midsection and assumes the cringing position.
I saw Moseley begin the cringing turtle routine at LSU when a guy was laying flat on the ground and had one hand on his ankle. The next nearest defender was a good three yards away. But still he cringed and wilted.
For all the negative we've directed at LSU's George Jefferson (whatever) I'd take him in a microsecond right now. The guy evades pressure, he bumps off defenders and looks for a way to make a play.
My sense is that AJ McBrodie would be a wilting turtle flower like Trotsley/Moser if anybody ever hits his fragile ass, but even LSU was unable to punch him in the skull. Here's hoping he gets hit like a naked ten year old in Jerry Sandusky's basement tomorrow.