Anyone seen this movie? It's a psuedo-biography of Bob Dylan. Dylan is played by various different actors throughout his life (notably a small black boy (not named Navin) and Cate Blanchett). It has Christian Bale and Heath Ledger (very strong performances by both) as well.
I say psuedo-biography because the central character is never identified as "Bob Dylan". He's called "Woody Guthrie" "Jude Quinn" "Jack Rollins" and a few other names. The events, however, are all Dylan's life: coming up in folk clubs in The Village, fucking around with Edie Sedgwick (called "Coco" in the movie), going electric and pissing off his fans.
It's got some surreal, trippy sequences and it's hard to follow if you're not familiar with Dylan's life (I'm sure I'm missing some important pieces). I'd recommend it if you're a music fan, though, as the entire soundtrack is Dylan.