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Joe Pa will retire at end of season


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Re: Joe Pa will retire at end of season
« Reply #20 on: November 09, 2011, 03:08:24 PM »
No, I can't say what I'd do if soemone came to me about my best friend or law partner or someone like that.  I agree it's a tough call.  But, this is not something you let lie.  These are supposedly smart men, smart enough to realize the magnitude of the allegations by an eye witness.  This is raping a little boy, plain and simple.  As for saying we don't know what really happened....yes, we pretty much do.  Read the indictment.  This is not fans on a message board claiming they "just know" Cam Newton took money from Aubren...this is a 3 year investigation, complete with real live eye witnesses, sworn testimony and everything.

Paterno admits he "should have done more".  Keep in mind that NO ONE is superior to Joe Paterno at Penn State.  Maybe he didn't want to be the one to blow the whistle, but your entire livelihood and your entire program are at stake here...not to mention the fate of these young boys...but he should have at least made sure one of his "superiors" contacted the authorities.   
I agree 100%...well 99%. We "pretty much know" what happened insofar as Sandusky is a child-raping piece of shit. No doubt about that. JoePa says he "should have done more". He's probably right. But to what extent was he complacent. That's what, at least I, don't know. To me, there's a bit of a difference ranging from tsk tsk, to what a fucking scumbag, depending on how much he really knew and what he could have done. If he was knowingly complying with giving him a place to fuck kids, then yeah, he's human excrement. If some GA reported to someone else on the staff about it, and he just "should have known" and "should have done something", then I'm not so sure he should go out like this as public enemy #1. Hell, I'm not sure he "should have known" where he's at at any given time of day considering his borderline Alzheimer's and dementia. Michael Jackson went out with far more grace and respect than this, and he was the one actually doing the diddling.
« Last Edit: November 09, 2011, 03:08:56 PM by AUChizad »
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Re: Joe Pa will retire at end of season
« Reply #21 on: November 09, 2011, 03:20:07 PM »
That's a pretty damning allegation.  You're talking about ruining a man you've known most of your life.  Do you really run straight to the police? 

What would any of us have done in that situation? 

I don't know if heading straight to the cops is what I would do.  Especially if I didn't see it.  I'd be more inclined to do what Paterno did.  Pass it on to people who were supposed to handle it. 

We don't know what happened.  We don't know what Paterno was told.  For all we know, Curley told him "yeah, we looked into it, nothing to worry about."

Not defending him (yet) just saying the lynch mob should back off and point its fury where it belongs.

Scary that you and Chizad and I kind of agree on this. 

I have already stated vehemently that JoePa needs to be gone.  This happened on his watch, and even if he truly did not know or understand what was going on, it was STILL on his watch.  So let him play out the season, send him on his way with a big huzzah, and be done.  Does this suck to have his career end this way?  Yes.  But that's the price you pay.

I truly cannot believe that he actually knew - or maybe I don't want to believe that. 

The person I take the most issue with outside of the bastard who did this is the GA.  I DON'T GIVE A DAMN WHO THE PERSON YOU SAW DIDDLING A KID WAS - YOU CALL THE FUCKING COPS AND LET THEM SORT IT OUT RIGHT THEN.  How in the name of all that is decent in this world do you LEAVE the room with that child being anally raped by an adult in a shower??  How do you walk away?  It's a KID.  If you are afraid you are mistaken, then make sure of what you are seeing and then STOP IT.  Just ask the kid - Is he hurting you???  Was he afraid Sandusky would rape him too??  IF you saw the guy fucking a kid, be sure of what you are seeing and call the cops!!

Ands this guy is now a PSU assistant coach.  He fucking needs to go too.
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Re: Joe Pa will retire at end of season
« Reply #22 on: November 09, 2011, 03:31:39 PM »
Scary that you and Chizad and I kind of agree on this. 

I have already stated vehemently that JoePa needs to be gone.  This happened on his watch, and even if he truly did not know or understand what was going on, it was STILL on his watch.  So let him play out the season, send him on his way with a big huzzah, and be done.  Does this suck to have his career end this way?  Yes.  But that's the price you pay.

I truly cannot believe that he actually knew - or maybe I don't want to believe that. 

The person I take the most issue with outside of the bastard who did this is the GA.  I DON'T GIVE A DAMN WHO THE PERSON YOU SAW DIDDLING A KID WAS - YOU CALL THE FUCKING COPS AND LET THEM SORT IT OUT RIGHT THEN.  How in the name of all that is decent in this world do you LEAVE the room with that child being anally raped by an adult in a shower??  How do you walk away?  It's a KID.  If you are afraid you are mistaken, then make sure of what you are seeing and then STOP IT.  Just ask the kid - Is he hurting you???  Was he afraid Sandusky would rape him too??  IF you saw the guy fucking a kid, be sure of what you are seeing and call the cops!!

Ands this guy is now a PSU assistant coach.  He fucking needs to go too.
Agree. I think we all can agree the GA is piece of shit #2 behind Sandusky himself in this situation.

Can't imagine seeing some shit like that go down and not beating the fuck out of the frail old bastard, and then immediately calling the cops.
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Re: Joe Pa will retire at end of season
« Reply #23 on: November 09, 2011, 03:48:41 PM »
Sandusky was investigated in 1998 for taking showers with small boys.  He was told then to stop.  The PSU investigator knew about it.  Which means the University president also did and so did Joe Pa. 

When the GA came to him with new information again about Sandusky, I don't give a fuck how good of friends they were.  It was his responsibility to take it a little more seriously than "chain of command". 

My best friend gets caught up in something like this once, I'm likely to take his word without any evidence of wrongdoing.  He gets a SECOND allegation regarding the same nature of crime?  We have a fucking problem.
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Re: Joe Pa will retire at end of season
« Reply #24 on: November 09, 2011, 03:51:37 PM »
Just heard on one of the talk shows that a lady reported Sandusky to the same DA who disappeared back in 96'-97'.  She claimed Sandusky took a shower with her son.  Don't know how legal or illegal that is. They supposedley ran a half ass investigation and didn't press charges.  My question is how do you not know one of your coaches is being investigated for something like that?  And if you did know there was an investigation, wouldn't a GA telling you Sandusky's ass raping a 10 year old in your shower throw all this argument out the window and scream cover up?
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Re: Joe Pa will retire at end of season
« Reply #25 on: November 09, 2011, 03:52:05 PM »
Damn you Token...just damn you. 
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Re: Joe Pa will retire at end of season
« Reply #26 on: November 09, 2011, 03:52:33 PM »
Don't ask me why, but I'm going to take a different approach. 

Forget What Would Paterno Do (WWPD), the question is What Would You Do?

Consider that he'd known the guy for years and years.  Consider that you don't know what he was told.  For all you know the GA only told him that he saw something weird with Sandusky. 

Consider that maybe Joe went to talk to the guy and he pooh-poohed it, saying he was doing nothing of the sort, he was just helping the kid or disciplining the kid or whatever.  That what the GA thought he saw was not what he really saw. 

Remember he's known the guy half his life.  What's he going to do?   He reported it.  He told others that something was reported to him.  It was their responsibility to investigate, to inform. 

When nothing came back, when Paterno heard nada from them is it not rational and reasonable to assume that he could have taken that as a declaration of innocence or mistaken identity? 

I'm not for child rape, don't get me wrong.  But a shitload more people knew Michael Jackson was banging little boys than knew about Sandusky and nothing was done there.  Mikey was even exonerated by a stupid jury. 

I think it's wrong to crucify Joe and make him the sacrificial lamb here. 

What happens if after a ton of investigation they find out there's really nothing to the claims about Sandusky?  What if they find out it is a mass hysteria?  It's only accusation. 

Haven't we learned our lesson about executing people based only on what's reported versus what's true?

I can buy that possibly the GA was so rattled by what he saw, and didn't act appropriately.  I can buy that he stewed on it, and thought "I just witnessed something that will ruin an local icon and his family, and tarnish PSU" and then went and soft-peddled it to Joe Pa.  I had considered that as well.

I can see Joe kind of taking the same approach, especially having not seen it for himself. 

But, somewhere along the line, there was a major breakdown.  If McQueary saw what he claims, he bears a huge responsibility for not going back and fixing it when he saw nothing was done, not even banning him from the facilities.

But, my gut tells me, and Joe's statements today, sort of confirm it for me...they knew, and they hoped someone else would take on the dirty job of ruining Sandusky.  Nobody did.     
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Re: Joe Pa will retire at end of season
« Reply #27 on: November 09, 2011, 03:53:08 PM »
Ands this guy is now a PSU assistant coach.  He fucking needs to go too.

Not only that, but he's the fucking recruiting coordinator.  He needs to be gone this very fucking instance.

How can you, as a recruiter, go into someone's house, look the parents in the eye, and tell them that, yes, you're going to take care of their son for the next 4 years, when you couldn't call the cops when a boy was getting raped.

Unless the fact that he kept his mouth shut is the reason he's now an assistant coach.
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Re: Joe Pa will retire at end of season
« Reply #28 on: November 09, 2011, 03:56:10 PM »
Not only that, but he's the fucking recruiting coordinator.  He needs to be gone this very fucking instance.

How can you, as a recruiter, go into someone's house, look the parents in the eye, and tell them that, yes, you're going to take care of their son for the next 4 years, when you couldn't call the cops when a boy was getting raped.

Unless the fact that he kept his mouth shut is the reason he's now an assistant coach.

If they don't fire him immediately, I assure you, he'll be forbidden to have any contact with recruits. 
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