I dont care for Johnny Walker much but Glen Fiddich is decent. Most of it is 8 years by standard. They have some 18 and 24 yr stuff like Jameson. Believe it or not, Crown is one of the better whiskeys for the price. I have some Crown Reserve yet to be cracked at the house.
Have you ever tried Red Breast, Powers or Michael Collins? All better than Jameson to me. And I love Jameson.
Those whiskeys are made the way they are supposed to be made. Not cheapskating it with fucking corn. :poke poke:
I keed though. We'll have to exchange a few glasses at a game one day AUT1.
Gotdamn, everyone know good whiskey is made with at least 51% corn. God intended it to be made in Kentucky, everyone else is just pretenders.
I have tried Michael Collins, and Bushmills, it's not bad, I still like Jameson a lot better. Not a Walker, Fiddich, Regal, fan. If Scotch was any good, they wouldn't have to use old used bourbon barrels to age it in.

Not much on the Canadian Blends either. I do enjoy a shot of cold Crown from time to time and I do enjoy a 7&7 as well, but not to often.
TN Whiskey: Only Dickel no.12 is worth drinking to me, and I am also not much on the Rye's but for a few.
I am just a Burbbinz kind of guy. If I do manage to get to a game this year, I will take you up on that offer for a drink.