I don't know who this idiot is that is on the air right now, but Jesus H Christ...............how does someone like him actually survive in the world?
There's been several fucking douchbag losers...
One moron: "Pawwwwl, I don't think Awbren is outta da woods jest yet, aint the FBI still investigating?"
Darrell: "Pawl, uh, Paaawwwl, I think the NCAA said it was over FOR NOW"
Kevinator (and this fucker is stuuuuuuuuuuupid!): Paul, the head of NCAA's enforcement division used to work in Auburn's compliance department, that tells me all I need to know...they got caught on tape BUYING PLAYERS 20 years ago and got a slap on the wrist, they
get caught buying a player this time, and nothing happens!"

What fucking planet do these morons live on?