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Have We Gone Insane?


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Re: Have We Gone Insane?
« Reply #20 on: October 25, 2011, 12:30:44 PM »
JFK was a patriot, social and personal issues aside.

Are you SHITTING me? 

Kennedy was a horrible president and got what people get when they fuck over the mob.  He didn't fuck whores, he was a whore himself.  Patriot?  Pffttttttttt..  Only in terms of what it could do for him. 
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Re: Have We Gone Insane?
« Reply #21 on: October 25, 2011, 01:18:48 PM »
Are you SHITTING me? 

Kennedy was a horrible president and got what people get when they fuck over the mob.  He didn't fuck whores, he was a whore himself.  Patriot?  Pffttttttttt..  Only in terms of what it could do for him.

You are mixing personal and political.

He hated the commies with a passion. Thats enough for me to know he was Patriot. Statistically on paper, he was a very good President.

And since when is being against illegal activity as a President a bad thing? You watch too much TV and movies. He messed with your precious mob heroes. Real world here.
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Re: Have We Gone Insane?
« Reply #22 on: October 25, 2011, 01:19:43 PM »
You shitting me?  Fox bred MSNBC? 

Fox was a response to the perpetual left-leaning biases of essentially all media (from movies to news).  And Fox is hardly "right"  it's just less left than the ridiculously leftist (and borderline treasonous) shit spewed on MSNBC by dyke cows like Rachel Maddow and elitist fucksticks like Olbermann on networks like MSNBC.

At least you are right about this. 50% aint bad but it's below your average.
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Re: Have We Gone Insane?
« Reply #23 on: October 25, 2011, 01:37:06 PM »
You are mixing personal and political.

He hated the commies with a passion. Thats enough for me to know he was Patriot. Statistically on paper, he was a very good President.

And since when is being against illegal activity as a President a bad thing? You watch too much TV and movies. He messed with your precious mob heroes. Real world here.

He would never have been re-elected.  The nation was already sick of his ass.  The only reason he's remembered fondly is because he got killed.

Real world?  Kennedy courted the mob to get elected.  Him through his dad who was connected up the ass due to his rum-running trade (which is where the Kennedy family fortune came from).  Once in office and when the mob could no longer benefit him, he turned his back on them.  Did the mob put him down?   I can't say.  But it makes more sense to me than some crazy communist with an itch.

Ever heard of Sam Giancana?  Mr. Patriot worked with his Chicago mob and put a hit out on Castro.  Sam's boys fucked it up, Castro didn't die and THEN Mr. Patriot's administration decided to go to war against organized crime.  Because it was politically expedient (and self-preserving) to do so. 

Don't forget Jack Ruby. 

From Chicago.  Nightclub owner. Connected.  And already diagnosed with and dying of cancer.   

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Re: Have We Gone Insane?
« Reply #24 on: October 25, 2011, 01:43:22 PM »
He gets a pass from me on the patriot stuff simply because of what he did in WWII.  Everything outside of that he was nothing other than typical Kennedy.
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"Hey my friends are the ones that wanted to eat at that shitty hole in the wall that only served bread and wine.  What kind of brick and mud business model is that.  Stick to the cart if that's all you're going to serve.  Then that dude came in with like 12 other people, and some of them weren't even wearing shoes, and the restaurant sat them right across from us. It was gross, and they were all stinky and dirty.  Then dude starts talking about eating his body and drinking his blood...I almost lost it.  That's the last supper I'll ever have there, and I hope he dies a horrible death."


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Re: Have We Gone Insane?
« Reply #25 on: October 25, 2011, 02:07:03 PM »
Kaos still missing big picture. Compare him to Obama or Bush in regards to Fiscal Policy. He understood supplyside economics. If he had touted this during the campaign he would not have been elected by his Dem constituency.

Kennedy ended a period of tight fiscal policies, loosening monetary policy to keep interest rates down and encourage growth of the economy. Kennedy presided over the first government budget to top the $100 billion mark, in 1962, and his first budget in 1961 led to the country's first non-war, non-recession deficit. The economy, which had been through two recessions in three years and was in one when Kennedy took office, accelerated notably during his brief presidency. Despite low inflation and interest rates, GDP had grown by an average of only 2.2% during the Eisenhower presidency (scarcely more than population growth at the time), and had declined by 1% during Eisenhower's last twelve months in office. Stagnation had taken a toll on the nation's labor market, as well: unemployment had risen steadily from under 3% in 1953 to 7%, by early 1961. The economy turned around and prospered during the Kennedy administration. GDP expanded by an average of 5.5% from early 1961 to late 1963,while inflation remained steady at around 1% and unemployment eased; industrial production rose by 15% and motor vehicle sales leapt by 40%. This rate of growth in GDP and industry continued until around 1966, and has yet to be repeated for such a sustained period of time.

And of course he leveraged who he needed to win the election. Thats politics. Name me a democrat that has never used organized labor/unions in mass to get an election. When he didn't become their full abiding puppet, they broke with him. No lecture needed on his pop practically winning the 1960 election for him. We all know the story and details. So you don't think he would have defeated Barry Goldwater had he lived? Even though the crass not so popular LBJ did in 1964? I care to differ in opinion there.

And like I said, he knew the real threat of the USSR to the United States and took it seriously. Most of our Presidents have been in bed with the bastards.
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Re: Have We Gone Insane?
« Reply #26 on: October 25, 2011, 03:50:06 PM »
Kaos still missing big picture. Compare him to Obama or Bush in regards to Fiscal Policy. He understood supplyside economics. If he had touted this during the campaign he would not have been elected by his Dem constituency.

And of course he leveraged who he needed to win the election. Thats politics. Name me a democrat that has never used organized labor/unions in mass to get an election. When he didn't become their full abiding puppet, they broke with him. No lecture needed on his pop practically winning the 1960 election for him. We all know the story and details. So you don't think he would have defeated Barry Goldwater had he lived? Even though the crass not so popular LBJ did in 1964? I care to differ in opinion there.

And like I said, he knew the real threat of the USSR to the United States and took it seriously. Most of our Presidents have been in bed with the bastards.

Kennedy sold the same thing Reagan did.  The same wave Obama's dumb ass tried to ride, but he forgot that he actually had to preside. 

The policies were maybe not as important as the presence.  Kennedy played the clean-cut American boy at a time when America was breaking into a new technological age.  He represented youth and vigor and vitality as America emerged from a long period of war that began in the 1930s and continued up until Korea (and later Vietnam, but that was Johnson's mess). 

He gets credit for taking the Republican approach to economics, obviously, but his presidency overall -- when you figure in the strong-arming he did on most issues?  I didn't like it, or him. 

Reagan came along 20 years later at a time when we needed a father figure.  The country needed a leader who exuded calm and confidence.  Perfect man for the job at the time.  The country got better just because of the character he played. 

Obama is just a massive failure on all fronts.  All he does is talk.  He doesn't lead.  Kennedy and Reagan both had the presence of mind to lead. 

What does Obama do?  Goes on vacation with his ugly ass wife.  Always on some kind of taxpayer funded vacation.
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Re: Have We Gone Insane?
« Reply #27 on: October 25, 2011, 03:55:51 PM »
Kennedy sold the same thing Reagan did.  The same wave Obama's dumb ass tried to ride, but he forgot that he actually had to preside. 

The policies were maybe not as important as the presence.  Kennedy played the clean-cut American boy at a time when America was breaking into a new technological age.  He represented youth and vigor and vitality as America emerged from a long period of war that began in the 1930s and continued up until Korea (and later Vietnam, but that was Johnson's mess). 

He gets credit for taking the Republican approach to economics, obviously, but his presidency overall -- when you figure in the strong-arming he did on most issues?  I didn't like it, or him. 

Reagan came along 20 years later at a time when we needed a father figure.  The country needed a leader who exuded calm and confidence.  Perfect man for the job at the time.  The country got better just because of the character he played. 

Obama is just a massive failure on all fronts.  All he does is talk.  He doesn't lead.  Kennedy and Reagan both had the presence of mind to lead. 

What does Obama do?  Goes on vacation with his ugly ass wife.  Always on some kind of taxpayer funded vacation.

Aside from our opinion of Kennedy and his strong arming, I agree 100%.

It was leadership or presence of, with his head on straight about the 2 major issues - the Soviets and the economy - that get me on his side. Reagan was the same way about both of those issues.

These are the same things I see in Cain somewhat. He understands people, our country's threats and the economy/business. I could careless if he bumbles a word or doesn't hear a question correctly. Those are semantics that the left and neocons like Karl Rove want to poke holes through. Screw em. We need a real leader!
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Re: Have We Gone Insane?
« Reply #28 on: October 25, 2011, 03:57:33 PM »
Screw em. We need a real leader!

Not a loser?
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Re: Have We Gone Insane?
« Reply #29 on: October 25, 2011, 03:59:49 PM »
Not a loser?

Keyword was "real". Not a paper champ like in 2008. All style no substance. No track record.
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Re: Have We Gone Insane?
« Reply #30 on: October 25, 2011, 04:21:32 PM »
George Corley Wallace was no fan of Kennedy. 

Enough for me.

I still vote for George at least once in almost every election.  Write him in and hope he one day heeds the call.
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