Things that are already fucked up.
1) CGI Hulk. It didn't work in two different movies. Not going to work here. Where the hell is Lou Ferrigno?
2) The bad guy comes from Thor. Of all the bad guys in all the world he was the weakest. Just a whining pussy with brother issues. Sorry. Give me Green Goblin. Give me Dr. Doom. This weasel biscuit? No interest whatsoever in watching it.
3) Did I mention CGI Hulk? And the drizzly douche playing him?
4) Thor. That movie blew. The actor in it blew. The only reason anybody went to see it was to find out if Natalie Portman was going to show some leg/tit. She didn't. The movie sucked.
5) CGI Hulk. It's a fail on an epic scale.
6) The entire Marvel movie line blows chunks with the exception of Iron Man 1. IM2 wasn't great but it was okay. The rest SUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK. Cap'n America? Sucked. Both Hulks? Sucked. Thor? Yeah. Sucked. Spiderman? Sucked. Tobey McGoober. Please. X-Men and spinoffs? Mostly sucky. Ghost Rider? Nicholas Cage. Enough said. Elektra? Blew despite Jen Garner. Punisher? Sucked. Fantastic Four? Sucked times four.
7) CGI Hulk.
FWIW, DC comics fare only a little better and only because of Batman.
The Batman series (current) is pretty good. I love Batman but was never a real fan of the clownish Tim Burton fantasyland version. I'd be a major fan of the current series except for Bale's stupid growl voice. It pisses me off. It's stupid.
All the Superman movies suck engorged dick. Jonah Hex was fair. Green Lantern was abysmal. Watchmen was blue cock unwatchable. Catwoman was shitty.
Ok I am going to review your review. You are right on with Hulk, nothing else needs to be said. The first one was probably the worst comic book movie adaptation I have ever witnessed, and I have seen Daredevil. Right again with Thor, couldn't agree more.
You are out of your gord with the X-men movies, Watchmen and Spiderman. I blame the writing for the Spiderman movies more than Mcguire. To me he actually was the perfect Peter Parker save for the whole whoa is me should I be Spiderman or not routine. Peter Parker was a nerd but he was never whiny, but I put that to the writers not Mcguire.
I didn't mind Captain America I thought they did a pretty good job with it.
The Batman's with Keaton were well done after he left they made turds. The rebooted Batman, both of them were great. The original Superman with Reeves, blasphemy...heretic.
You lost your comic movie credibility saying that shit pile of a movie Jonah Hex was fair

The rest of them I agree with you on.