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Because sick people are toys for your amusement...


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Because sick people are toys for your amusement...
« on: October 09, 2011, 12:29:33 PM »

Blah, blah, blah.... Woman appeares in hospital, nobody knows who she is.

On Aug. 8, 2010, Sally -- named by the hospital staff -- was found in the waiting area of St. Vincent's East Hospital. She was wearing a hospital gown, an adult diaper and slipper socks. She had no identification with her, and she couldn't speak.

Not then, and not now.

blah, blah, blah

Sally was found wandering the waiting area at St. Vincent's East. There were no witnesses to her arrival at the hospital, and security tapes yielded no clues.

At 5 feet 3 inches tall, she weighed less than 90 pounds. She is believed to be between 55 and 60 years old.
Initially it appeared she was a man. Authorities say her short-cropped hair had been recently colored a dark brown or black, and she was wearing large, black-rimmed glasses, possibly in an attempt to disguise her.

She had dentures with the imprint "000 E Allen" but no other clues to a possible identity.

The nursing staff quickly grew fond of her and gave her the name Sally. Jane Doe, after all, is usually a name given to dead women, and Sally was alive.

Nurses there said she was withdrawn, but after a month in their care began to laugh and play and dole out hugs. She would dance and wave at passing cars through the window. Someone even tried to teach her how to say, "Roll Tide."

Someone should be bitch slapped.

Etc., etc., etc.

Can't find her family.  Nobody knows who she is or where she came from.  Sick and in and out of hospitals and nursing homes.

But for their amusement, some mommy part tried to teach her to say something ignorant.  Amazing. 
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