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Is it the Wright time?


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Is it the Wright time?
« on: May 18, 2012, 04:55:27 PM »
I've been following in the political news lately about a GOP Super PAC considering dragging-out the Rev. Jeremiah Wright connection to The Pharaoh and putting his America-hating, vitriolic tirades from the pulpit on display for all to see again.  I have to admit to being disappointed in Mitt Romney's luke-warm response to all of this since we have a president who has NEVER been vetted on anything (least of all his Black Liberation Theology connection) and his Leftist friends seem to take great pleasure in mocking Mormonism when they can (I think that Bill Maher could not make it through a show without mocking Mormonism at least once).  (I'm also disappointed to read that the person who was considering funding the Super PAC is now backing down...http://www.theroot.com/buzz/billionaire-won't-finance-jeremiah-wright-ads  ).

Anyway, I'm all in favor of freedom to worship BUT in my opinion the Rev. Wright connection IS fair game in this election (see the article on Herman Cain below for further, interesting commentary) especially when he spewed anti-American, political commentary from the pulpit.

And in a larger sense, it's beyond too late to play Mr. Nice Guy (John McCain) about anything when it comes to The ONE.  In my opinion it's time to take off the kid gloves and put on the political brass knuckles.

What say you about this; is it racist, is it religious bigotry, is it 'not presidential'?

Here's some excerpts from the Politco article on Cain, all emphasis is my own:
Cain: Rev. Wright is 'fair game'
By: MJ Lee
May 18, 2012 06:07 AM EDT
Herman Cain is denouncing Democrats for suggesting that attacking President Barack Obama’s connections to Rev. Jeremiah Wright is racist, saying that using the reverend to go after the president is “fair game.”

“It is fair if someone wants to highlight the Rev. Jeremiah Wright and his relationship with Barack Obama because, quite frankly, it wasn’t highlighted enough in 2008 when he was running for president the first time,” Cain told Greta Van Susteren of Fox News on Thursday. “This administration, which has been shown to go after people who donate to Mitt Romney and try and slander their reputation, then, yes — it is fair game. I don’t think it is off-limits.”
Pushing back against critics who called the plan racist, Cain said on Fox News, “The reason that the liberals are going to call it racist is because President Obama is black and Jeremiah Wright is black. They’re going to call it racist. It is not racist.”
“How could [Obama] have been in his church for 20 years and not assimilated some of the things that he was talking about?” he said. “So no, it is not racist. It’s just that the liberals want to play the race card when it is convenient.”
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Re: Is it the Wright time?
« Reply #1 on: May 18, 2012, 05:04:29 PM »
About as spot on as it could be.  And I was also disappointed in Romney basically distancing himself from it. 
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Re: Is it the Wright time?
« Reply #2 on: May 21, 2012, 12:25:54 PM »
About as spot on as it could be.  And I was also disappointed in Romney basically distancing himself from it.

I saw where some poll showed that people looked down on Obama more over the economy than all the peripheral issues. I think this may be where Romney is going with this. He really needs to keep beating the drum on the economy as a whole while playing quotes from THE ONE regarding all of the promises he made in 2008 economically. 
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