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Hammer's swinging...


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Hammer's swinging...
« on: October 04, 2011, 07:28:52 PM »

PENSACOLA, Florida -- Scott Anderson and Timothy Jansky, 2 Escambia High School coaches, were arrested today charged with obstruction of justice in connection with a Sept. 19 incident in which one student struck another, Escambia County deputies report.

Anderson, the team's head coach, and Jansky turned themselves in at the Escambia County Jail this morning on the misdemeanor charge. Both men were released on their own recognizance.

According to an investigating officer's report and witnesses, both Anderson and Jansky approached the beating victim on separate occasions and told him that if he pursued charges against the suspect, they could not guarantee his safety and the student would not play football.

A report details the charges against Anderson Jansky, saying that on Sept. 19, Anderson made contact with a deputy investigating the alleged incident and asked if charges were being pursued against his player.

When told that charges were likely to be filed, the report states, Anderson asked the deputy to inform the student's parents that if charges were filed it would "mess up the team chemistry" and that he would be unable to ensure the player's safety.

The deputy involved reported Anderson's statements to the principal, Michael Sherrill, who reportedly informed Anderson that he was not to make such a request of a sheriff's deputy again and that "he was to stay out of the matter and allow law enforcement to do their job," according to the deputy's report.

Sherrill, in a recorded statement, said he felt Anderson clearly understood that he was not to further interfere with the investigation, according to the report.

Who came from eSCAMbia?  Can you say "culture of corruption?"  I knew you could. 
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