I'm kind of glad. I've read some things about him lately I don't care for ala Rick Perry. Looked good from a distance, not so good up close. I'm still on the Cain train for now.
Oh, and if Bill Kristol was supporting him, then that definitely raises red flags with me. Kristol's father practically invented the modern neocon/rino movement. No thanks.
I understand what you mean; with Christie, as with many of the current contenders, you have to take the good with the bad.
Including the fact that he's fat, Snaggle.
Don't get me wrong, Herman Cain is a great candidate also; I'm glad to see him finally making some progress now. He is, in my opinion, a political X factor meaning that it is difficult to predict how the primary and caucus voters in the early states will go. With Cain in the top-tier mix it's hard to say how these early primaries will go but that's where the momentum starts to roll...Iowa...New Hampshire...Nevada...South Carolina; given the choice between Romney or Perry you can somewhat predict who will vote for whom, but add Cain as a top-tier candidate...now that makes it interesting.