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Play Spent!

Play Spent!
« on: September 26, 2011, 09:36:47 PM »

This was from a coworker (a fellow teacher). 

She put on her Facebook - "Let's see if you PERFECT rich can handle being poor for one month.  I couldn't, but I'm grateful for my adequate paycheck."


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The Guy That Knows Nothing of Hyperbole


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Re: Play Spent!
« Reply #1 on: September 26, 2011, 10:44:46 PM »
I'm a temp.
I have no medical.
I live in the city.
I sold most of my stuff in a yard sale.
I missed my friend's wedding.
I have some guy living with me. 
I opted to stay at home with my kid instead of watching the concert (I do that already).
I helped my kid with his grades.
My kid was able to attend the field trip, but went to a birthday party without a present.
He wore a hand-me-down coat.
We ate decent for the month with all food groups without going over.

I finished the month at $737, I spent quality time with my kid, helped him with his grades and fed him nutritional food that wouldn't cause him to be obese.  Although it's hypothetical, I guarandamntee my kid would be grateful for what we had.

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Re: Play Spent!
« Reply #2 on: September 26, 2011, 11:06:29 PM »
I made it out with $355.

Granted, my wife went broke on day 22.  She broke shit at her job and got fired for it.

What cracks me up is that it's supposed to make me feel sympathy for the poor (which I do), but every issue was self-inflicted. 

I think this Play Spent game actually reveals the true nature of the problem - people don't want to make sacrifices. 

Even small ones.  Like telling your son he can't go on the field trip (Bubble pops up - Your son spent the day in the office feeling bad about himself).
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The Guy That Knows Nothing of Hyperbole


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Re: Play Spent!
« Reply #3 on: September 26, 2011, 11:21:38 PM »
That's the most fucked up thing I've ever seen in my life. 

Show me a month where my grandfather dies, my best friend gets married in another state, my kid needs a math tutor and is accepted into the gifted program at the same time, I get a speeding ticket, my dryer breaks, my kid decides to play football, my co-worker needs $200, my landlord raises my rent without justification and in violation of my lease, my mother can't pay for her medicine and bums $200, my dog needs $450 worth of vet care and I take up smoking and eating BK double stacks all day. 

And I survived all that shit with $700. 

I'm a disaster manager.  But my mom is dead because she had no meds, my family hates me because I bailed on grandpa's funeral, my dog died, my friend told me to fuck off, my kid is in the gifted program and playing ball, but I'm tutoring him, my clothes are wet, my co-workers think I'm a cheap fuck and my license will probably be suspended. 

On a positive note, my landlord is drawing up eviction papers, but I've hired the Johnny Cochran law firm on contingency.  I'll have plenty of money after I get through fucking him up in court with my countersuit.  Gonna get him for discrimination.

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If you want free cheese, look in a mousetrap.


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Re: Play Spent!
« Reply #4 on: September 26, 2011, 11:25:57 PM »
I made it out with $355.

Granted, my wife went broke on day 22.  She broke shit at her job and got fired for it.

What cracks me up is that it's supposed to make me feel sympathy for the poor (which I do), but every issue was self-inflicted. 

I think this Play Spent game actually reveals the true nature of the problem - people don't want to make sacrifices. 

Even small ones.  Like telling your son he can't go on the field trip (Bubble pops up - Your son spent the day in the office feeling bad about himself).

I got the same feeling.  Why do I have a family pet to feed and care for if I can barely make it myself?  That's stupid. 

Kid didn't get ice cream?  My kids have that problem now. 

Kid had to wear a hand-me-down?  So fucking what?  My wife power shops on ebay now for clothes.  It's new to them, it's nice, and it's cheap.  Who gives a damn?  Not me. 

Kid cried because he got free lunch?  Are they kidding?  My kid's school if one of the best in my area.  73% of kids qualify for free or reduced lunch.  When I checked some of the schools in the Gadsden School district, they have schools with 95% or higher qualifying for free or reduced lunch.  Any kid laughing at "free lunch" kids are likely going to find themselves alone in an angry mob. 

While I agree that a $20 field trip isn't a necessity,  you can spend a week picking up cans on the side of the road and make that money.  People don't want to work for anything anymore. 

And the most important component left out of the equation?  The person in that situation is receiving some type of bullshit check along with the food stamps.  Kid has adhd, or something.  Those bastards get free money and have more than enough to make it.  But they just have to smoke those cigs, and hang those 96" flat screens on the wall for the xbox 360.  That's the fucking problem.
« Last Edit: September 26, 2011, 11:29:34 PM by Token »
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Re: Play Spent!
« Reply #5 on: September 26, 2011, 11:59:44 PM »
I was on par with Token but had a little less money.  I call bullshit on this.   I have known our IT director for years (about 20) and he, as well as I can tell you about his shitty childhood where he only got some fruit for Xmas b/c he was so poor.   He now makes about $125,000/year.

You can always better your situation.  You can take another job, you can get college loans that will pay more than just tuition and books at 2% interest.  Take up a full time job with that, go to night school and you can make it.  Will you be driving the nicest car, wearing the nicest clothes and living like a king? NO.  You can also pay back what is basically free money for the rest of your life.  You can sacrifice, you can eat, drink and take generics.  There is always something that can be done. 

Agree with K and Toke, problem is no one wants to work hard anymore.  They want shit handed to them and if it isn't they want to bitch and moan about it.  They expect someone to give them a handout b/c it's "woe is me".  Fuck that noise.  You live and you learn.  If you don't like your current life, you do something about it.  You find a way to make it.
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Courage is only fear holding on a minute longer.--George S. Patton

There are gonna be days when you lay your guts on the line and you come away empty handed, there ain't a damn thing you can do about it but go back out there and lay em on the line again...and again, and again! -- Coach Pat Dye

It isn't that liberals are ignorant. It's just they know so much that isn't so. --Ronald Reagan


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Re: Play Spent!
« Reply #6 on: September 27, 2011, 10:49:11 AM »
You people are all white racist haters. Just because you got lucky in life, you don;t have to hold the little people down because they are unlucky............ PATHETIC!
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Five statements of WISDOM
1. You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity, by legislating the wealth out of prosperity.
2. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving.
3. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.
4. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it.
5. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that my dear friends, is the beginning of the end of any nation.

Re: Play Spent!
« Reply #7 on: September 27, 2011, 11:41:37 AM »
Some of this shit is just stupid.  My child needs help in math, so I help them, "Luckily, you're able to help your child out."  Seriously?

Also, "Pay cell phone."  If I lose my job, I can goddamn guarantee there are things we have right now that are getting cut, cable TV and cell phone being some of them (or maybe, cancel the LAN line, keep the cell).

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Re: Play Spent!
« Reply #8 on: September 27, 2011, 11:50:41 AM »
Some of this shit is just stupid.  My child needs help in math, so I help them, "Luckily, you're able to help your child out."  Seriously?

Also, "Pay cell phone."  If I lose my job, I can goddamn guarantee there are things we have right now that are getting cut, cable TV and cell phone being some of them (or maybe, cancel the LAN line, keep the cell).

You cold hearted bastard, everyone has a right to a cell, HDTV and high speed internet.........wait.
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Courage is only fear holding on a minute longer.--George S. Patton

There are gonna be days when you lay your guts on the line and you come away empty handed, there ain't a damn thing you can do about it but go back out there and lay em on the line again...and again, and again! -- Coach Pat Dye

It isn't that liberals are ignorant. It's just they know so much that isn't so. --Ronald Reagan


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Re: Play Spent!
« Reply #9 on: September 27, 2011, 12:12:16 PM »
I got the same feeling.  Why do I have a family pet to feed and care for if I can barely make it myself?  That's stupid. 

More to the point, why would you have a child in that situation?  And, I think it's time for a second job...
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My rule of life prescribed as an absolutely sacred rite smoking cigars and also the drinking of alcohol before, after and if need be during all meals and in the intervals between them.  - Winston Churchill

Eating and sleeping are the only activities that should be allowed to interrupt a man's enjoyment of his cigar.  - Mark Twain

Nothing says "Obey Me" like a bloody head on a fence post!  - Stewie Griffin

"Every government interference in the economy consists of giving an unearned benefit, extorted by force, to some men at the expense of others."  - Ayn Rand


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Re: Play Spent!
« Reply #10 on: September 27, 2011, 12:15:40 PM »
You people are all white racist haters. Just because you got lucky in life, you don;t have to hold the little people down because they are unlucky............ PATHETIC! 

Oh, how I love it when they use words like fortunate to describe my situation.  I just don't remember purchasing that lottery ticket or stumbling upon that pot o' gold. 
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My rule of life prescribed as an absolutely sacred rite smoking cigars and also the drinking of alcohol before, after and if need be during all meals and in the intervals between them.  - Winston Churchill

Eating and sleeping are the only activities that should be allowed to interrupt a man's enjoyment of his cigar.  - Mark Twain

Nothing says "Obey Me" like a bloody head on a fence post!  - Stewie Griffin

"Every government interference in the economy consists of giving an unearned benefit, extorted by force, to some men at the expense of others."  - Ayn Rand