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Brookie is still swinging...


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Re: Brookie is still swinging...
« Reply #20 on: September 27, 2011, 10:49:47 AM »
Just another example of the man trying to keep a brother down.
Nothing will ever come from this.
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Re: Brookie is still swinging...
« Reply #21 on: September 27, 2011, 01:56:25 PM »
The black Nissan Maxima is "Rent" Richardson's other vehicle.  Also, this is their new house...notice the two Direct Tv dishes.

« Last Edit: September 27, 2011, 02:00:23 PM by The Prowler »
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Re: Brookie is still swinging...
« Reply #22 on: September 27, 2011, 02:04:12 PM »

Trent Richardson's 2011 Yukon With Nice Rims -- Nothing To See Here

Published on: September 27, 2011 | Written by: Clay Travis

On August 28th, 2011 Alabama running back Trent Richardson was pulled over for speeding in Chilton County, Alabama. The Crimson Tide star was going 85 in a 70 and the officer noted that he blamed the "large rims" on his vehicle for the speeding violation. What was the vehicle? A 2011 GMC Yukon which retails for in the neighborhood of $40,000 a year even without the added expense of new rims. Raise your hand if it makes sense that an "unemployed" athlete at Alabama with two children, no job, and a non-wealthy family could afford a brand new SUV. Put your hands down Alabama fans. Trent Richardson could be flying in his own private jet and you'd talk about how it's perfectly reasonable for him to avoid traffic this way.

For the rest of us Richardson driving a brand new SUV raises an awful lot of questions.

Especially when you consider that most of his money was already going to suit payments.   

As a preliminary, I don't have any issue with Trent Richardson cashing in on his talents. It's morally indefensible to force any person of talent to work for free. I firmly believe that. That's why you've never heard me jump on the NCAA violation bandwagon from a moral perspective. The most immoral actor of all in college sports is the NCAA. The entire NCAA "amateurism" model is predicated on making as much money as possible off the free labor of others. Then, as if that wasn't indefensible enough, the entire enforcement procedure is based upon ensuring that those who have nothing at all, continue to have nothing at all.

The fact that college sports fans like you and me allow and support this model's continued existence is the outrage.

After all, you know what isn't an improper benefit? Rich parents.

If you're rich the NCAA has no power over you. If you're poor? Well, you're the NCAA's bitch. 

The real immorality here is South Carolina forcing a player like Marcus Lattimore to run the ball 35 times a game, and the NFL not allowing Lattimore to cash in on his talents in the meantime. Put it this way, no matter what you do would you give up your job for a one-year scholarship guarantee? I didn't think so. What if I make the deal even worse? In addition to receiving no money, on every single play you risk career-ending injury that will render you forever unable to make a living off your talents. (See Prothro, Tyrone). Would anyone be willing to do this?

Of course not.

So I don't blame athletes for cashing in when the entire world surrounding them is making money off their talents. Hell, I'll tell you this, if I didn't have any money you can damn sure bet I would be taking cash payments for playing in college. All of that brings us back to Trent Richardson. Do I blame him for wanting a nice car? No. But do I love when Alabama fans come to his defense no matter what? Of course. Like I said on Twitter yesterday, what would Alabama fans be saying if Cam Newton had gotten a speeding ticket while driving in a brand new SUV with tricked out rims? They'd be outraged, fulminating at the mouth, but Trent Richardson does it? Oh, there are a ton of great, reasonable explanations.

So now, without further ado, here are Alabama fan excuses for why it's perfectly reasonable for Trent Richardson to be driving a $50,000 brand new SUV. (Note: these are not made up. Every single one of these was Tweeted or emailed to me since last night).

11. He got a loan based on his future earnings potential.

A worthy premise but, sigh, an NCAA violation.

If you get a loan based on your future earnings potential, you are no longer an amateur. Otherwise every college athlete in America could take out a million dollar line of credit and live like a rockstar on campus. (Note: the only exception to this rule is that you can take out an insurance policy to protect yourself in the event of catastrophic injury. But that doesn't allow you to buy a brand new SUV).

10. He's buying American, you hate America, Clay. Also, you're racist.

Yes, I hate America. And I'm racist. Well played and well reasoned. There's a job waiting for y'all as a Fox News commentator. There's also an inherent irony in the second most racist state in the union hurling racial accusations at others. So let's be clear since everyone in Alabama immediately latches on to race, if you're an unemployed college student with two kids and you're white, black, brown, green, blue, pink, any color under the rainbow, and you drive a brand new SUV, you've got some serious explaining to do.

I do love, however, the delicious irony of Alabama fans turning in to Al Sharpton disciples the moment an Alabama player is questioned.

Even Al Sharpton thinks y'all are pathetic with this line of thinking though.   

9. He has enough money to buy a $50k SUV.

No, no he doesn't.

He has two children. That means he has child support payments of some sort or other. He also has no job. Plus, he has to feed and clothe himself.

The vast majority of employed fathers of two can't afford a brand new luxury SUV with tricked out rims. There is no way under the sun that Trent Richardson has the money to buy this SUV. 

8. It's his friend's car.

Isn't it always convenient how the "friend" never has a worse car in these situations? Like, Trent Richardson wasn't pulled over for speeding in a 1976 Monte Carlo. It's amazing how the "friends" are always so much richer. 

7. It's a loaner, his car is in the shop.

Ah, yes.

The good ole loaner defense. Next thing you know Richardson will be test-driving the car across the country a la Terrelle Pryor.

News flash: You don't get a valuable car as a loaner unless you also leave behind a valuable car to be repaired. 

6. Clay, rims do make it seem like your car is going faster.

The number of people who focused on Trent Richardson's speeding excuse rather than the expensive SUV is simply amazing.

Proving that if you dangle a bright and shiny object in front of some people, they really will grab the bright and shiny object. Cue Johnnie Cochran.

Prosecution: The odds of O.J. Simpson's DNA ending up here at the murder scene are 1 billion to one.

Cochran: If the glove doesn't fit, you must acquit.

5. You and Sports By Brooks are gay.

This is my favorite response any time I write anything negative about Alabama. Crimson Tide fans accuse me and Sports By Brooks of being gay. And not just a few. Somewhere in the neighborhood of 40% of Alabama fan responses accuse us of being gay. Usually they write it this way: "Your gay."

Aside from the second grade nature of the insult and the clear presumption that gay people are always lying, let's play this defense out to it's logical extension: aren't Bama fans really arguing that gay people are obsessed with NCAA violations in college athletics?

So if you walk up to a New York bar, a great opening line for gay men is, "Can you believe the new revisions to NCAA bylaw 16?"

Go to a gay man's apartment and there's a 100% chance the NCAA rulebook is open on the coffee table. Don't believe me? DVR old episodes of "Will and Grace." See it, there's the manual!

4. He sold his T-Town Menswear suits and autographs.

At least this excuse was honest.

An NCAA violation, but honest.

3. "HE IS A FAMILY MAN and he spend that much on that car to have a safe ride for his children and family. worthy for the cost."

This is according to @deeptrunk on Twitter. Yes, tricked out rims are the modern-day Volvos.

2. He has a rich uncle (or aunt).

Yes, of course, the Daddy Warbucks defense.

Where was that rich aunt or uncle for the previous 20 years of Richardson's life?

1. Yeah, but Cam Newton...

It always comes back to Cam Newton for Alabama fans. No matter what anyone else does, the first response out of most Alabama fans' mouths is, "Yeah, but Cam Netwon..."

So I'll finish this sentence for you, "Yeah, but Cam Newton didn't get pulled over driving a brand new luxury SUV at Auburn."


Okay, today's contest in the comments, funniest wins an OKTC prize pack: Come up with the best excuse for how Trent Richardson ended up with this car. Funniest wins.
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Re: Brookie is still swinging...
« Reply #23 on: September 27, 2011, 02:07:27 PM »
The black Nissan Maxima is "Rent" Richardson's other vehicle.  Also, this is their new house...notice the two Direct Tv dishes.

Somebody needs to get out of the house and do a little edging, don't ya' think?  And maybe getting the sprinklers out and puttin' a little water to it would make the yard green up much more evenly.  A bag or two of Scotts with weed control in the early spring couldn't hurt either.
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Re: Brookie is still swinging...
« Reply #24 on: September 27, 2011, 02:15:29 PM »
First off, Clay is hiding behind his feigned disdain for the NCAA and their policies.  Dude, you're trying to nail a story to further your site and your career.  Call it like it is.

Second, a Yukon that costs $40,000.00 a year is just too much.

Third, the 2011 Yukon is sweet. Personally, I wouldn't trick it out with the rimz.  I'm too old for that and I'd look stupid.  Actually, I look pretty stupid now driving that beat up ass 2001 Expedition.
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Re: Brookie is still swinging...
« Reply #25 on: September 27, 2011, 03:10:58 PM »
You're using rational thought and logic.

Finebaum doesn't understand this stuff. It might as well be a lecture on the theory of relativity as delivered Chinese.

Every writer decided 30 seconds into this story that it was a "move along, nothing to see here" kind of thing, including Charles Robinson.

How the nation thinks this is no big deal, but Cam is 100% guilty beyond a shadow of a doubt, despite any evidence even remotely damning as this? Fuck if I can figure it out.

Repeat a lie, or in Cam's case, what they want to be true over and over, and it will eventually become fact.  The Cam case was driven by local media, despite the national outlets that reported on it. 
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Re: Brookie is still swinging...
« Reply #26 on: September 27, 2011, 03:54:13 PM »
He had a SECOND CAR?!?!?!

Good lord...it couldn't be more blatant. 

But I'm just inferring.  Nothing illegal actually happened.  This is a definite case of how the NCAA is the one with the problem. 

And as for the DirecTV dishes, well, that doesn't mean much.  I have two dishes on my back deck, but that's because I've been too lazy to take the old one down.
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The Guy That Knows Nothing of Hyperbole


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Re: Brookie is still swinging...
« Reply #27 on: September 27, 2011, 04:04:54 PM »
He had a SECOND CAR?!?!?!

Good lord...it couldn't be more blatant. 

But I'm just inferring.  Nothing illegal actually happened.  This is a definite case of how the NCAA is the one with the problem. 

And as for the DirecTV dishes, well, that doesn't mean much.  I have two dishes on my back deck, but that's because I've been too lazy to take the old one down.

I've got what I think is big deck.  But the bushes are growing so big around it, it makes my deck look smaller than it really is.  Any suggestions?
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My doctor told me I needed to stop masturbating.  I asked him why, and he said, "because I'm trying to examine you."


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Re: Brookie is still swinging...
« Reply #28 on: September 27, 2011, 04:07:09 PM »
I've got what I think is big deck.  But the bushes are growing so big around it, it makes my deck look smaller than it really is.  Any suggestions?

Enhancement trim.
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Re: Brookie is still swinging...
« Reply #29 on: September 27, 2011, 05:54:42 PM »
I've got what I think is big deck.  But the bushes are growing so big around it, it makes my deck look smaller than it really is.  Any suggestions?

Well if you start trimming the shrubbery around your deck be sure to keep it trimmed.  Prickly bushes will annoy any female partygoers that may want to play on your deck.
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Re: Brookie is still swinging...
« Reply #30 on: September 27, 2011, 06:03:32 PM »
Shane Corn plays the race card, despite no mention of race in the article. And you know, the fact that ANYONE with two kids and no job can't afford this shit without living way beyond their means, but I digress.

CRAZY: Poor black people can’t afford to move, according to Sports By Brooks

S ports By Brooks has descended into lunacy. I’ve always defended the website, but the obsession with a non-story has led Brooks to reveal a disturbing element of his personality. Judge for yourself.

Brooks posted a long list of documents showing that Trent Richardson’s family moved to Alabama. This move was something the Pensacola newspaper already reported. Why the need to post all those useless documents? Who knows. It wasn’t a secret. But, this is where it gets interesting.

And very disturbing.

Brooks writes, “With the Richardson family of modest means, it isn’t unreasonable to think that the the (sic) funding of their now-documented move from Pensacola to various locations within the state of Alabama may be outside of NCAA rules.” (Source)

It isn’t?

By Brooks logic, we can reasonably assume that poor people can’t afford to move?

Or, is it that black people can’t afford to move?

Or, maybe poor black people?

Which is it? Because a couple of these reveals a serious problem in the author of this Internet nonsense.

With Brooks’ assertion it isn’t unreasonable to assume he is a racist.

People of “modest means” can afford to do more than you think. Living in Leeds, Alabama is not expensive–it isn’t Vestavia Hills or Mountain Brook or even Hoover. How difficult is it to rent a home? I know people of “modest means” do it on a daily basis. How expensive is it to move? Even poor people can find ways to do it.

Brooks needs to move beyond the plantation mentality and realize this is a new age. It is an age where black people can do all sorts of things. Even when they are of “modest means.”

This latest post by Brooks is disturbing.
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Re: Brookie is still swinging...
« Reply #31 on: September 27, 2011, 06:14:14 PM »
Nothing like watching two idiots do e-battle.  I will say however, that isn't a high dollar establishment she's living in.  I'd say $60,000 tops for that neighborhood.  Hell, it has masonite siding on it.  And I still don't understand why it's considered luxurious to have 2 satellite dishes??

The article is actually intelligent on Shane's part though.  The fastest way to get someone to STFU in today's society is to imply they are racist.  Doesn't matter if it's true or not.  Most of the time it works. 
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Re: Brookie is still swinging...
« Reply #32 on: September 27, 2011, 06:51:51 PM »
And I still don't understand why it's considered luxurious to have 2 satellite dishes??

I always thought the second one was for teh pornos.
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Re: Brookie is still swinging...
« Reply #33 on: September 27, 2011, 06:53:20 PM »
He had a SECOND CAR?!?!?!

Good lord...it couldn't be more blatant. 

But I'm just inferring.  Nothing illegal actually happened.  This is a definite case of how the NCAA is the one with the problem. 
That's two that we know of for sure.

Don't forget about when he was involved in a hit-and-run and the Tuscaloosa police were adamant about not releasing any details, and Trent declined to press charges...

Nothing to see, I'm sure.
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Re: Brookie is still swinging...
« Reply #34 on: September 27, 2011, 07:05:37 PM »
Shane Corn plays the race card, despite no mention of race in the article. And you know, the fact that ANYONE with two kids and no job can't afford this shit without living way beyond their means, but I digress.


I know Shane doesn't have throat cancer, but as I read the words of his piece-o-chit article I can't help but hear him speaking with an electronic voicebox. Kinda like Ned from Southpark....Look out Jimboooooooo!!!
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The Prowler

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Re: Brookie is still swinging...
« Reply #35 on: September 27, 2011, 08:06:11 PM »
Nothing like watching two idiots do e-battle.  I will say however, that isn't a high dollar establishment she's living in.  I'd say $60,000 tops for that neighborhood.  Hell, it has masonite siding on it.  And I still don't understand why it's considered luxurious to have 2 satellite dishes??

The article is actually intelligent on Shane's part though.  The fastest way to get someone to STFU in today's society is to imply they are racist.  Doesn't matter if it's true or not.  Most of the time it works.
$60,000 is with one Direct TV Satellite Dish....$100,000 with two.

I remember a statement about uat's compliance saying something about educating the players on accepting benefits from people outside of their family, as well as educating the family members of the players....this answer was in regards to a question about "Rent" Richardson and his association with Ttown Tom.
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"Patriotism and popularity are the beaten paths for power and tyranny." Good, no worries about tyranny w/ Trump

"Alabama's Special Teams unit is made up of Special Ed students." - Daniel Tosh

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Re: Brookie is still swinging...
« Reply #36 on: September 28, 2011, 09:11:23 AM »
Nothing like watching two idiots do e-battle. 

This is really all that needs to be said. Except it's 3. Add in Travis too.

Snaggle is right. Auburn fans can get giddy about this stuff all they want, but Travis and Brooks are merely dirt diggers who do this to only further their sites and careers (fast and loose terminology). They careless about any school not named Georgia or Tennessee. Auburn fans forget quickly a lot of the slander both of these clowns through our way via Cam and the Hostess stories.
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Re: Brookie is still swinging...
« Reply #37 on: September 28, 2011, 09:32:49 AM »
Cam had zilch for evidence.

Tigerettes were legally paid according to NCAA rules.

Trent Richardson driving multiple brand new vehicles when he has two kids?  Concrete evidence of this?  Al-Betar, a rich man in T-Town, being close with Richardson's family along with other players?  The merchandise?   

Sorry.  That's light years ahead of where the Auburn allegations were.
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The Guy That Knows Nothing of Hyperbole

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Re: Brookie is still swinging...
« Reply #38 on: September 28, 2011, 09:56:35 AM »
Cam had zilch for evidence.

Tigerettes were legally paid according to NCAA rules.

Trent Richardson driving multiple brand new vehicles when he has two kids?  Concrete evidence of this?  Al-Betar, a rich man in T-Town, being close with Richardson's family along with other players?  The merchandise?   

Sorry.  That's light years ahead of where the Auburn allegations were.

^^^This x 1,000^^^

Still not convinced that anyone other than Brookie and Clay will even bother looking further though.
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Re: Brookie is still swinging...
« Reply #39 on: September 28, 2011, 09:58:41 AM »
S ports By Brooks has descended into lunacy. I’ve always defended the website, but the obsession with a non-story has led Brooks to reveal a disturbing element of his personality. Judge for yourself.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...he doesn't even see the hypocrisy in this...
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