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ESPN SEC Breakdown


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Re: ESPN SEC Breakdown
« Reply #40 on: May 20, 2008, 04:00:40 PM »
That's better.  Now, find me young, nubile law school flesh, preferably of the female persuasion, and I will leave you alone.  I crave flat-bellied women.
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Re: ESPN SEC Breakdown
« Reply #41 on: May 20, 2008, 04:34:23 PM »
That's better.  Now, find me young, nubile law school flesh, preferably of the female persuasion, and I will leave you alone.  I crave flat-bellied women.
Preferably? Not too picky, are we?
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Re: ESPN SEC Breakdown
« Reply #42 on: May 20, 2008, 04:59:50 PM »
BLS, you can't hide your "gridiron" past bud.   I applaud you wanting to stay civil, but while I was doing nothing different that what I've always done to bammer posters that cross the line into delusion here, you came unglued.  Fine, you've reeled it back in.  You and I have gone back and forth many times on AUN, so this is NOT something new for you.

Now, with that said...

You think Alabama can win the West.  You think it IS possible.  I agree.   It also think it is possible that a Saban might actually be recruiting from the top of the Apollo rocket at Huntsville's space museum.   In another words, it's all fine and dandy to be "possible".  What Bama fans don't get, is that you've been rocked with poor coaching, recruiting, execution on the field and off the field now for years.  You do not, nor can you come back from that in one or two years.  You had a clean slate to offer top notch talent to come in and get immediate playing time.  Any program in Division 1A football that has a clean slate to offer, will do well in recruiting.  Problem is, it takes more than 20 "maybes" to be great.   

Arkansas is rebuilding and has just as much a shot as Bammer.   In my opinion, because of continuity, Miss St. has a better shot than Bama.   Ole Miss has a shot I believe, just because of what I've seen out of Houston Nutt in the past.    I do NOT see Alabama in any better position than these bottom West side teams.   You might disagree, I expect that, but it IS you that's lost to Miss St. TWICE in a row, and got beat by LA Monroe.

We know it's only your opinion that you feel that Bama will compete for the title, because frankly what else could it be??  It certainly isn't based on fact or reason.  It isn't based on past performance.  There's also no documented history to back you up, so you're left with ONLY your obvious opinion.

What I CAN say as MY opinion based on documented FACT, is that Auburn and LSU, are by far and away the class of the West.   We have proven, experienced players.  Proven coaching, regardless of new coordinators, and a record of beating Alabama like a red headed step child for 6 years straight.  That's FACT.   It's not something I'm making up because it makes me feel better, unlike any Bammer who is campaigning here to get people to agree with them.

So, whether it's civil, colorful, cussing, flipping off emoticons or whatever, it doesn't change the fact, that you can poo-poo all the opinions you want, it is NOT and can not be backed up by ANYTHING.   ....and THAT has to suck.

So....    :fu:

I'm not trying to ''hide'' my posting on that sorry excuse for a board. Fact is, a lot of folks here knew who I was. I was invited here by one of your members. I've appreciated his invite. I'm simply trying to find a better quality of AU fans, but your fucking all that up with your disdain for all things NOT AU. Your 100% intolerance for anything that doesn't toe the homer viewpoint you carry is so boring and tiresome. You are incapable of being rational or tolerant to any opinion that doesn't adhere to yours. You’re not interested in discussing it, only bashing opinions you disagree with. That's the fucking shit that that other board is plagued with and is running it into the ground. You’re doing your part by bringing it over here.
What you are doing here is the same rhetoric you were doing on the other site. You pick and pick and pick till you run off people who don't fall in line with you or your opinion. You freely give out advice to ignore but won't take your own advice.
Attempting to discuss anything with you is impossible. You do not want to discuss anything. You want to go straight to being a Kool-Aid drinking  barner with the exact same traits as bammers you so love to make fun of. You add no sustenance to a discussion other than how much Bama sucks. That every Bama fan that has pride and high expectations and optimism are redneck Bammers. That same old boring ass shit has been played out over and over.
Instead of being a smartass in your first responce, did it ever occur to you that if you submitted a valid question without being a sarcastic typical fan boy homer the discussion could have moved on to better facts and information? Maybe even something enjoyable. I'm sure you didn't because that isn't what you want.
I tried to take the high road with you and as expected you won't have it. I didn't want any of the bullshit that happened on that god-forsaken site to bleed over to here. Again you won't have it. Thanks for fucking that up too!
I can see the only way for me to enjoy the atmosphere and the other people here is to disregard you as the one track minded ass you are.
Trying to be civil and have some back and forth fun with a rival is something you obviously can't grasp.
I guess every fan base has to have their share.
This is a no win situation. I left this shit over there and I'd prefer this shit to stay there.

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Re: ESPN SEC Breakdown
« Reply #43 on: May 20, 2008, 07:38:14 PM »
Wow, someone's campaigning for the "poor me" award BIG TIME.  Okay, so I'm an ass, and I'm impossible to talk to.  I got it all five times you brought it up. Oh, and I've never seen so much pandering to the "I hate AUN" crowd in my life.  While my gripe with AUN doesn't run as deep as some on here, I'm plenty versed on why people left, and it wasn't because there were big bad AuburnChopper1 types makeing people feel sad and emotional.  Knowing what some DID go through there, your "poor me" attitude is silly, and misplaced.

 I guess you're desperate for defense here, and if you appear to be one of the jilted from AUN, you'll get some much needed support here.  Seriously, WoW!.... :rimshot:

So after ALLLLLL that, you NEVER, as expected, answer my question, or blessed us with your "Facts" to back up your "Opinion" about why we should all consider Bama a "CONTENDER" right now.   I'm sure you have tape, facts, documents, records, and experienced players on the field that should make me and other Auburn, or any other SEC fans go, "you know, bama is a force, RIGHT NOW!".   

You can't.  Since you didn't like how I cornered you, you took the poor me, Chopper's an asshole route.  Well, thanks for something different.   Okay, so I'm an asshole.  Can you answer the fucking question or not?

Do I make you uncomfortable?  Should we turn this down a few notches to at least PG-13 so you can hang?

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Re: ESPN SEC Breakdown
« Reply #44 on: May 20, 2008, 09:13:31 PM »
Preferably? Not too picky, are we?

Totally depends on whether or not anyone would know about it.
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My doctor told me I needed to stop masturbating.  I asked him why, and he said, "because I'm trying to examine you."


Re: ESPN SEC Breakdown
« Reply #45 on: May 20, 2008, 10:08:30 PM »
Ain't no poor me and did I mention how much I hate that fucking site you call home and keep stirred up? You do your job well. Honestly I'm just sick of the bullshit you spew over there and now over here. I told you I've had enough of that shit over there.

I'm done with your bullshit. Find someone else to fucking pester. There's no fun in arguing with a know it all little prick such as yourself. Like I said, it's a no win.

I'm done with you barner. Yea , it's dickheads like you that giva AU fans that embarassing and bad name.

I don't have any more to say to you.
Have a nice day fuck face.     :)
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Re: ESPN SEC Breakdown
« Reply #46 on: May 20, 2008, 11:53:38 PM »
Ain't no poor me and did I mention how much I hate that fucking site you call home and keep stirred up? You do your job well. Honestly I'm just sick of the bullshit you spew over there and now over here. I told you I've had enough of that shit over there.

I'm done with your bullshit. Find someone else to fucking pester. There's no fun in arguing with a know it all little prick such as yourself. Like I said, it's a no win.

I'm done with you barner. Yea , it's dickheads like you that giva AU fans that embarassing and bad name.

I don't have any more to say to you.
Have a nice day fuck face.     :)

Do I call that other site "home"?   ..umm.. hardly.   Oooookay though...

I'm not sure.... wait....

Yeah, I'm pretty sure you just proved everything I said to be true....  you couldn't hide it.  You're a ticking time bomb of Bammertardation.....  and now we've seen you go BOOM!

Oh...and still no answer to the question, just INCREASED hostility.   I wouldn't think you'd have anything left.   Good to see the old "Gridiron" back to his usual ways.

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Re: ESPN SEC Breakdown
« Reply #47 on: May 21, 2008, 10:08:24 AM »
I think that we will be the winner of the west.  So therefore, who are two conference losses?  I am seeing one against UGA, but the rest of the conference games, I feel that we should have the advantage, and won't have any other conference losses.  The reason that I am confident about the LSU game is because it's at home, and early in the year.  I have always based my  opinion of the AU/LSU game on what time of year we play them, so that would still be true even if Perriloux was still there.

Now I will go back to quick hitters, and being the "master of contributing nothing".

 The LSU,AU game, that might be the game that springs you guys or it could be the one that puts a hurt on your season.  True playing them early is to AU's advantage. I think you guys will be a little farther ahead of them as far as the offense clicking.With a win against LSU I think AU will be riding high when Tenn comes to town. That's still going to be a tough game. You go to Vandy then come home for Ark.  If AU is undefeated at this point then heading into Morgantown should be do able. If that happens then obviously Franklin has pulled something I wouldn't have thought he could. At that point AU makes it in. Now if LSU comes to town and wins it won't mean the end but I think it will make things a bit more interesting towards the end of the season for the west title. You guys do have your toughest games at home though, except the Bama game.
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Re: ESPN SEC Breakdown
« Reply #48 on: May 21, 2008, 11:15:32 AM »

 The LSU,AU game, that might be the game that springs you guys or it could be the one that puts a hurt on your season.  True playing them early is to AU's advantage. I think you guys will be a little farther ahead of them as far as the offense clicking.With a win against LSU I think AU will be riding high when Tenn comes to town. That's still going to be a tough game. You go to Vandy then come home for Ark.  If AU is undefeated at this point then heading into Morgantown should be do able. If that happens then obviously Franklin has pulled something I wouldn't have thought he could. At that point AU makes it in. Now if LSU comes to town and wins it won't mean the end but I think it will make things a bit more interesting towards the end of the season for the west title. You guys do have your toughest games at home though, except the Bama game.

I agree with that.  The good thing about the stretch run for us this year, is that we'll have been tested early and often.
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Re: ESPN SEC Breakdown
« Reply #49 on: May 21, 2008, 11:30:32 AM »
At least he ended on a positive note this time.
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Re: ESPN SEC Breakdown
« Reply #50 on: May 21, 2008, 11:56:22 AM »
You guys do have your toughest games at home though, except the Bama game.

Bryant-Denny is practically home turf for us.
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And Imma keep a bottle of that funk
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Re: ESPN SEC Breakdown
« Reply #51 on: May 21, 2008, 12:04:00 PM »
Bryant-Denny is practically home turf for us.
Or better. We've lost at home before.
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Re: ESPN SEC Breakdown
« Reply #52 on: May 21, 2008, 02:32:46 PM »
Bryant-Denny is practically home turf for us.

Yea ,I can't deny that.    :puke:
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Re: ESPN SEC Breakdown
« Reply #53 on: May 22, 2008, 11:57:56 AM »
        Hola!!  I am sorry I am late to the party!  I am getting ready for a little golf trip in a couple weeks, so I've been keeping my nose down trying to clean out the in box.

        I am happy to see everyone continues to overlook my hogs.  I do not know what we are going to do this year, namely because we are switching to more of a zone defense in the secondary, which I am not thrilled about, and our only decent LB apparently beat up his girlfriend this spring and is off the team for now.  However, we finally have some quality depth in the lines on both sides of the ball and a senior QB with lots of experience, so hope is eternal. 

        Personally I think we have as much chance as anyone.  We lost some incredible running backs, but I think we will be able to pass a little more effectively under the new coach, and the O-line will again be excellent. We'll see on the other side of the ball, I think we will be in several shoot-outs.
        I am a little worried about my fellow hog fans and their hero worship of Petrino.  It is almost as bad as the man-crush the bammers have for $aban.  I think we made an upgrade in coaches, but some seem to think Petrino can walk on water. (Everyone knows only $aban can do that).

        I know I am somewhat of an outsider on this board, but do you guys really think you're going to accomplish anything by picking apart each other's posts, then calling each other names?  not that big of a deal because I can just scan past it, but it means I have to pan thru 4 pages of crap to find a couple of good posts, instead of just 1 or 2.
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Re: ESPN SEC Breakdown
« Reply #54 on: May 22, 2008, 12:02:58 PM »
I know I am somewhat of an outsider on this board, but do you guys really think you're going to accomplish anything by picking apart each other's posts, then calling each other names?  not that big of a deal because I can just scan past it, but it means I have to pan thru 4 pages of crap to find a couple of good posts, instead of just 1 or 2. 

True dat.
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Redskins cornerback DeAngelo Hall said, "Guys don't mind hitting Michael Vick in the open field, but when you see Cam, you have to think about how you're going to tackle him. He's like a big tight end coming at you."


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Re: ESPN SEC Breakdown
« Reply #55 on: May 22, 2008, 01:45:09 PM »
Picked up an Athlon SEC last night...I know, I know, but I'm a sucker for those things every year and I need something to read while growing a tail.  Anyway, they had the Hawgs as one of the 5 teams on the decline along with Kentucky.  I can understand UK because they just had a cycle of surprisingly good athletes like Woodson, Little and several receivers come through.  I can also see the assumption that McFadden and Jones were the whole team because that's all ESPN pimped about Arky.  But, you can say what you want about Coach "You're free to move about the country" Petrino.  The fact is he can coach college football and the Hawgs will be competitive at the very least to start out with.  If he stays, he will make them very good, not a team on the decline. 
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Re: ESPN SEC Breakdown
« Reply #56 on: May 22, 2008, 03:26:47 PM »
Picked up an Athlon SEC last night...I know, I know, but I'm a sucker for those things every year and I need something to read while growing a tail.  Anyway, they had the Hawgs as one of the 5 teams on the decline along with Kentucky.  I can understand UK because they just had a cycle of surprisingly good athletes like Woodson, Little and several receivers come through.  I can also see the assumption that McFadden and Jones were the whole team because that's all ESPN pimped about Arky.  But, you can say what you want about Coach "You're free to move about the country" Petrino.  The fact is he can coach college football and the Hawgs will be competitive at the very least to start out with.  If he stays, he will make them very good, not a team on the decline. 
There is no way Arkansas is on a "decline."  They may be rebuilding a little.
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Redskins cornerback DeAngelo Hall said, "Guys don't mind hitting Michael Vick in the open field, but when you see Cam, you have to think about how you're going to tackle him. He's like a big tight end coming at you."

Re: ESPN SEC Breakdown
« Reply #57 on: May 22, 2008, 03:38:10 PM »
There is no way Arkansas is on a "decline."  They may be rebuilding a little.

Common sense tells you though, if Bama is supposed to contend, and Arkansas is going from the top of the West to the bottom...that my friend, is a "decline".

The one question I DID ask BLS that he never could, and never would answer was a valid one.   It appears that you disagree that Arkansas is on the decline.  If that's the case, then how would you support Alabama being one of the top teams in the West?   Are there six teams in the West, or sixteen?    There's only so many places to go. 

In MY opinion, Bama hasn't got enough built up, even though they'd seem to have some forward momentum for the first time in YEARRRRSSSSS.    They have too far to go yet when you're talking about teams with established players and coaches to be a serious contender.  Can they get lucky?  Can they out perform expectations?  Sure, but so can Ole Miss, Miss St (who's beat them twice in a row), and certainly Arkansas.

So, I agree that Arkansas is on the decline, only because they just do not have the cogs in the same machine.  They however, could replace those one or two spots and be in just as good, if not better shape than Mississippi's squads, or Bama.
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Re: ESPN SEC Breakdown
« Reply #58 on: May 22, 2008, 03:50:31 PM »
Common sense tells you though, if Bama is supposed to contend, and Arkansas is going from the top of the West to the bottom...that my friend, is a "decline".

The one question I DID ask BLS that he never could, and never would answer was a valid one.   It appears that you disagree that Arkansas is on the decline.  If that's the case, then how would you support Alabama being one of the top teams in the West?   Are there six teams in the West, or sixteen?    There's only so many places to go. 

In MY opinion, Bama hasn't got enough built up, even though they'd seem to have some forward momentum for the first time in YEARRRRSSSSS.    They have too far to go yet when you're talking about teams with established players and coaches to be a serious contender.  Can they get lucky?  Can they out perform expectations?  Sure, but so can Ole Miss, Miss St (who's beat them twice in a row), and certainly Arkansas.

So, I agree that Arkansas is on the decline, only because they just do not have the cogs in the same machine.  They however, could replace those one or two spots and be in just as good, if not better shape than Mississippi's squads, or Bama.
Well, in Bama's case you can't really decline if you are on the bottom.   :poke:  I just think that Arkansas lost talent, but decline would be a word better suited for what will happen to Kentucky this season. 
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Redskins cornerback DeAngelo Hall said, "Guys don't mind hitting Michael Vick in the open field, but when you see Cam, you have to think about how you're going to tackle him. He's like a big tight end coming at you."

Re: ESPN SEC Breakdown
« Reply #59 on: May 22, 2008, 03:57:09 PM »
Well, in Bama's case you can't really decline if you are on the bottom.   :poke:  I just think that Arkansas lost talent, but decline would be a word better suited for what will happen to Kentucky this season. 

Touche.  :flag:
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