Wow, someone's campaigning for the "poor me" award BIG TIME. Okay, so I'm an ass, and I'm impossible to talk to. I got it all five times you brought it up. Oh, and I've never seen so much pandering to the "I hate AUN" crowd in my life. While my gripe with AUN doesn't run as deep as some on here, I'm plenty versed on why people left, and it wasn't because there were big bad AuburnChopper1 types makeing people feel sad and emotional. Knowing what some DID go through there, your "poor me" attitude is silly, and misplaced.
I guess you're desperate for defense here, and if you appear to be one of the jilted from AUN, you'll get some much needed support here. Seriously, WoW!....

So after ALLLLLL that, you NEVER, as expected, answer my question, or blessed us with your "Facts" to back up your "Opinion" about why we should all consider Bama a "CONTENDER" right now. I'm sure you have tape, facts, documents, records, and experienced players on the field that should make me and other Auburn, or any other SEC fans go, "you know, bama is a force, RIGHT NOW!".
You can't. Since you didn't like how I cornered you, you took the poor me, Chopper's an asshole route. Well, thanks for something different. Okay, so I'm an asshole. Can you answer the fucking question or not?
Do I make you uncomfortable? Should we turn this down a few notches to at least PG-13 so you can hang?