Well your superior complex and intellectual intelligence that is vastly superior to most is something I'm sure no one will mistake.
Does it matter that it's long winded? I didn't know this was the condensed version of this board. Hmm, thanks for that.
I thought this thread was The SEC Breakdown. Meaning it could be some predictions or maybe by some strange coincidence, ''opinion''. 
How many times have I said we were full of winners and we have '' what Bear would call winners''? Huh? For that matter how many times have AU fans brought up the Bear and accuse Bama fans of doing it? I hear it more on AU boards than any, any Bama site I visit. I don't live in the past, I might reference it but damn sure don't live in it. I'm also proud of it.
Read again, here is what I said.
''I'm not a Kool-Aid drinking bammer that thinks we will win regardless. I feel like this year the way things happened on the coaching staffs with you guys, Ark, and Miles' situation with RP that it will allow us a little better chance to be more competitive in the west''
If you think AU having two different coordinators and a complete change in offensive philosophy doesn't create a slight advantage for us to be more competitive and take a little slack off of our lack of depth then your not as smart as you appear to think you are, however it doesn't diminish your sarcastic prick nature. For a moment I though I was back on another board full of non substantial back biting drivel that is incapable of having any type of conversation about football.
You want to insult one another; I’m game dick head. You don't like my opinion? I’m good with that.
I understand your nature to dismiss anything Bama. It's what I expect from a homer.
Hang in there sparky things will be changing in the near future. They've already begun.
Oh yea, if you want the condensed ''bullet statement''

First of all, now that you've blown up into a tirade I haven't seen since BG getting pushed over the edge once or twice, let me make something clear.
You're not going to persuade me to not be who I am, or break down what you've said because you'd like it to be more civil, or because your panties are so far up your ass you can't see through the crimson weave pattern.
My post pointed out exactly what it was, and you coming and pulling quotes from other posts doesn't change the fact that you said the following, and I'm paraphrasing:
"Auburn is on the same level as Alabama"
There is NO rhyme or reason, facts, or opinions that I would take as correct. I do it with color. I do it with angst, and I do it for yes, a hatred for Crimson blathering that is always present when it isn't warranted.
You have at least another year of proving ANYTHING before you put Auburn on the same level. All the other crap you speak about not being "a koolaid drinking bammer" and all the other mumbo jumbo slides out the windo when you compare our programs right now.
You can have yoru opinion, hold your finger high, say fuck you, call me a prick, do whatever, but just ignore me if you can't handle it.
The bottom line is BLS, your opinion or not, it's MY opinion, that you haven't proven a freaking thing on the field, in discipline, in coaching and necessarily YETTTTT at recruiting. You haven't got a single kid on the field of play yet. You have NO facts to base ANY opinion on.
Think about it for two seconds. You completely discount Arkansas, that has rebuilding to do, but instead of comparing yourselves to a very capable school in Fayettville, you immediately (because you're a bammer) start talking about why you deserve somehow to be mentioned in the same breath as teams that have either won championships, won 9-10 games a year, or beaten you 6 times in a row. You can't. You're just simply not there yet.
So, again, I call you the blowhard bammer you are. Take it or leave it, I really don't care. Ask anyone around here if it's EVER mattered before.
Please, please for all that is holy, back up for just ONCE, something one of your incoming freshmen have done ON THE FIELD that tells me Alabama should be a contender THIS YEAR.
The floor is yours.