I do hear what you are saying Kaos but we should not let some rediculous, 'scary-looking', political website set-up by the Obama 2012 campaign intimidate us. Are we supposed to be afraid to criticise The ONE now for fear of being 'reported' to his campaign? I wonder if Mitt Romney or Rick Perry or Michelle Bachmann will setup a counter-website like this. And, if they do, how many milli-seconds will it last on teh eBays before it's laughed out of existence? Strong words, I know, but I think we all should be sick-and-tired of this thug-like intimidation (which should be met with ridicule and sarcasm in a society like ours before it does become something dangerous).

No. I'm saying the opposite.
The people of Iraq became afraid. They tried to curry favor by ratting out their friends and family.
We should tell this sanctimonious sack of shit to go fuck himself sideways. We should remind him that this is AMERICA, motherfucker. And because it's A-MER-I-CA, I can say whatever the bleeding fuck I want and he can't do a motherfucking thing about it.
I think he's the shittiest president by far that I've ever seen in my lifetime. He makes Jimmah Cahtah look fantastic in comparison. I knew he'd be a shitty president the first moment I heard his stuffed shirt, know-nothing ass speak. People who have never worked a day in their lives have no fucking business being in charge of anything, much less a country. He's never had to earn his way. He can't possibly understand what those of us who do suffer every day in order to keep our people paid and keep food on our own tables.
I'm not saying we should be afraid and cower at his dipshit effort to quash free speech. I'm saying we should rise up and smite him and his party back to the stone age.
Vote them all out. Him, Pelosi, Frank, the entire corrupt cabal.