There's no way she actually thinks she can win. If she does, I don't really have any else to say to the democratic primaries.
You're talking about a woman who believes that it's her destiny to be Queen over the New World (read: Western Hemisphere). This has been in the works for years. She's not going down without a fight, and she'll take this thing all the way to the DNC. Even then, I would be willing to bet that she's seriously considering legal action to obtain the votes from the Florida and Michigan delegates. If they don't count Florida and Michigan, they have a serious mess on their hands. If they do count Florida and Michigan, they have a serious mess on their hands. Keep in mind that she's won seven of the ten largest states. They have a serious mess on their hands!

Don't forget the Gore fiasco. Even with three independent recounts confirming that he lost, he still went to court, and Democrats still pretend that he should have been president. She’s already claimed several times that if the Democrats had the same rules as the Republicans, she’d already be the nominee.

Consider this one last thing. If she bows out, what does that say about women? She’ll appear weak up against a man, and it will appear to be a setback for women’s rights in America. She can’t back down, and neither can he because the same arguments could apply to him and civil rights.