Hell maybe I was taught wrong but back in the olden days of my ball playing days, If I read option I closed down the line as quickly as I could, made the pitch happen before it was supposed to and made the qb pay for it. Maybe the difference is that I had a guy playing corner on my side that I knew would have the pitch man. We would only have folks try to option our side a couple of time a game because they payed the price if they did.
Yeah, you're supposed to make the QB commit and close on him at the pitch. I just know we always taught ours to stay parallel to the line of scrimmage until somebody blinked. Keep pushing them toward the boundary.
I haven't seen film obviously, but I think the frustration with the DEs is misplaced. They were supposed to have outside support from a LB or a safety. I don't think we got that.
I see your point. I'm just thinking that if a DE is on the QB's back hip, he can still put his ass in the dirt after the pitch without a flag. As far as assignments, you are spot on. If the D is following his assignments, that gives them that free shot. I kind of wonder if our DE's are concerned if they're gonna have any back up from the LB's or not.