Al I am saying-Poor tackling is a problem. Look at the last stop-He hit him bounced off and luckily the QB went down short. Had he hit him wraped up and drove him back ( LIKE MY PEE WEE COACH TAUGHT US) it would not have been close.
We are 2-0 
Gone are the days of bulldogging, horse collars and my personal favorite, just trying to break the other guy's helmet.

Now we have to have good form and I'm saddened by it. Killing brain cells is no longer acceptable. With head up, eyes forward, we must now lower our rears with a straightened back, applying our shoulders while giving a full wrap and then drive the opposition into the ground. I'm guessing our team is getting its fair share of instruction. I've got no answer for the dilemma.
But yes we are 2-0.