On other boards I've seen epic teary-eyed rants about people leaving early.
Listen, AU Family. On this board, this is probably coming straight at the choir, but we faithfuls must live "die hard" by spreading the word to everyone we know that our team deserves our physical presence and prayers (or "best wishes") for safety and optimal physical/emotional effort until the clock runs out. Of course, there are unavoidable circumstances to leave a game early, but such occasions don't describe the majority of the exits...seen today and of course commented upon by those who need no more reason to criticize Auburn (nor for the internet trolls who love to poke fun of what they call our "notion" of "Family--All In").
Let's see...we're behind, so let's let our team leave early. That's right. They can leave whenever they are however many points behind. What? They CAN'T? Then neither can we.
Example 2:
I made a list of all you fair weather idiot so-called fans today.
When this young team beats one of the SEC big boys
later in the year, if you come on here talkin junk to build up
your self esteem, I'm gonna call you out on it.
Others are weeping all over the creed, calling for anybody who left to be excommunicated from "The Family" and so forth.
One guy said he left because AU was down 10, hadn't shown much offensive life, it was hot, he had kids and decided to try to get ahead of the traffic since it would take a miracle.
The response? He's not "All In." He should give up his tickets. If his personal comfort is more important than supporting the team maybe he should just stay home from now on. Auburn doesn't want or need his type.

We WERE down 10. It DID take a miracle. When you're ten points down with under 4:00 to play the chance of turning that around is less than 10%. I hate to see people leave, too. I don't leave. But I'm not going to begrudge anybody who did. Doesn't make them "bad fans" or "not part of the Family" The psychotic and histrionic reactions to a handful of people making an early exit is, to me, WAAAAAAY worse than a few people deciding they'd seen enough and trudging unhappily off. It's a little disconcerting and worrisome. Some of our people are crazy.
Note: FWIW? Many of the people bitching about those who left weren't even at the game. The unintentional irony of that is lost on them.
Worst of all...THERE WERE FANS LEAVING BEFORE THE GAME WAS OVER?!?!?! I'm sorry, that's just shameful. Had I been there, I probably would have been escorted out in handcuffs for picking a fight.
Then again I have a friend who was bragging about walking into a Bed and Beyond in Louisiana wearing Alabama garb and braying RTR at the clerk who was wearing "ugly ass purple earrings." That's classless and ignorant. They're stupid too.