From a dirt-caked construction-type wearing a grimy bama visor who had been working on a hotel going up near the restaurant he was befouling:
"Aubren knows something's up with that Newton stuff. That's why they won't put his statue up thar. Statues was s'posed to be up by now, but they ain't, is they?"
From a salesman:
"There may not be stuff in the bingo trial, but I think they just got that confused. It's Bobby Lowder's trial where it's all going to come out. They just confused the trials, that's all."
From an idiot caller to Arute and Leach:
"I don't care if Auburn wins a single game, the only game that matters to me -- and I'm speaking for all Auburn fans -- is Alabama. If we beat them, the season's made."
From the boy who fills up the drink machine at the office:
"You can bank on Danny Sheridan. You don't bet against that man. That's how he makes his living. I don't want nothin' to happen to Aubren, but if he says it, it's true."