I heard some asscapacitor call in to WNSP yesterday to ask about Sheridan.
"Hay, I'm 50. I known Danny Sheridan and I tell you one thang, you can take him to the bank. Don't bet against Danny Sheridan. When the NCAA was about to come down on Alabammer, Sheridan got his source in the NCAA and he was 100% right in what he says about what gonna happen. Wasn't nobody doubting his credibility then, WUZ they?
Tell ya somethin' else. Why come the SEC broke its own laws to let Cam play, huh? They broke the bylaw."
Fucking hosts -- one of which is Randy Kennedy who reported the Sheridan contact with the NCAA (and was forced to admit yesterday that Sheridan and his lawyer called him to announce the contact) -- just bobbed their heads along with this clown.
Somebody followed up to tell them that Danny wasn't right about the sanctions, he'd predicted a "slap on the wrist" and that the SEC and NCAA had explained the eligibility ruling on several occasions, but some people just chose to ignore that and keep bitching.
Hosts said Danny was credible and that nobody had ever sufficiently explained the rationale behind letting Cam play. Clearly a violation of SEC bylaws.