
I love you too bitch!

Seriously, thanks for seeing my attempt to try. I thought I was doing a pretty good job of not being an asshole or '' typical bammer''. I don't want that shit to get started here. I appreciate it. I just might make you my bitch before it's over.

Just kidding bro! Appreciate it.

AUChizard, dude like I said, what the hell do you expect? I'm serious when I asked if you would point out or show me what difference my response was to what THS was serving? What was it that turned it into a ''typical Bammer'' response? Where?
Maybe I don't see something you do? Don't mistake this for trying to be smart assed. It definitely ain't that.
I want to know the difference between what THS was saying and doing versus what I was saying and doing. Show me the difference.
I've been having a great time here. You guys run a fucking unique and damn sure fun site. Even for an outsider like me. I'm trying to understand something here.
I'm going to answer THS. I hope to hell it meets with approval.

townhallsavoy, here is your quote,
''BLS, here's the issue: According to Saban's performances in the years after the 2003 season, he has not shown the same level of coaching ability''.Saban won the championship in ''03''', by your accounts then he's coach exactly TWO season in the college ranks.
The first being ''04 '' at LSU where he went 9 - 3. That record is credible and can be justifiably used. After a championship season I hardly find that to be less than successful. How many coaches have back to backs? Pete Caroll lost 2 after the championship and he's in the pac 10. Saban's next season was 3 years later! His first year at Alabama. Last year. A new job, staff, players and everything else to go with it. So that's 1 year after a championship and 3 years later his first year on a new job. You want to use that stat to make a statement about the performance of his coaching ability? That's bullshit. You know that.
Since I'm the ''typical Bammer'' I suppose it's fair for YOU to make that assessment.
You still didn't address the record Miles had before coming to LSU. 4 - 7 to start 7-5 to finish. Is that a fair assesment?
At least Miles had the luxury of being at the same place to garner those records. Something you are not willing to afford Saban. But that's cool.
I'm sure we will see soon enough how Miles does after his championship season this year with ''his'' own players. I look forward to it.
I hope I don't offend any one. I don't know any other way to say what I just said.