Had a great time at the concert and meeting up with AUTiger1 and his lovely wife at the Nook before hand to drink some brews prior to the concert. Also in attendance was my father in law, a dyed in the wool Bammer who accepted AUTiger1's and my teasing with pretty good humor. Concert was incredible, Jamey really did a good job playing to the crowd and his pedal steel player was out of the world good. Merle hasn't lost his touch and you could tell he was really feeding off the energy in the place.
I was putting the following together for a message to AUTiger1, but it was too good and had to share it with everyone.
After we went into the concert Richard and I had a couple more Coors Light apiece. I was feeling fine and I thought Richard was doing good too, but I was wrong. By the time the concert ended it had been about 1.5 hours since my last drink and his too. We walked back to the car and drove to a Waffle House close to my house. We both had All American breakfast (2 eggs, grits, waffle, bacon - plenty of grease and carbs to counteract any residual alcohol). We get back to my house about 12:30 am and he asks where the coffee is so he can make a pot in the morning. We then both go to bed. I get up Sunday and start getting ready for church about 8:00am and there is Richard drinking coffee from a to go cup. I ask why he didn't just make some and he said he couldn't find any.
Me:"What do you mean? I showed you where it was last night."
Him:"What? I don't remember that."
Me: "We came back from Waffle House and I showed you the coffee in the pantry."
Him:"We went to Waffle House?"
Me: "Are you serious?"
Him: "Yeah, did I eat something?"

My Mother-in-law: "What the hell were you drinking?"