We should not compromize. The Cut, Cap and Balance plan is perfect. Taxing the wealthy... Taxing corporations... That's just the opposite of what we need in a slow economy.
Not saying we should compromise, just saying get ready for a tax hike. I think they will do it.
Cut spending, cut some more spending, then cut a little more spending. Once you do those three things, go back in and cut a little more. We can't continue on this spending spree that we have been on for the past 10 or 12 years. It has to stop or we are seriously fucked. I know I sound like Glen Beck on that, but goddamint congress, STOP YOUR SPENDING!!!
I work in the DoD field as a contractor, we hire people, who do nothing but sit at a desk, read a book, paper or magazine all day long for 4 days out of 5. Honest to god. We have to hire those people, b/c the more people we hire, the more we can charge the Gov't and the Gov't allows it. There are ways to make cuts in defense spending and things like that without killing a company, sacrificing anything for our troops, and things of vital importance.

hit on something to irks me as well, our tax code, toooooo fucking complicated. Scrap that shit, give me my entire salary and gives us a consumption tax. Oh, that illegal that was paid cash for pouring your concrete driveway, if that fucker shops at Wally World then he will have to pay his fair share.