Not a the box... about to get a kiss perhaps from a Bammuh legend... Right?

It doesn't matter whether he is an Alabama booster or not. The biggest thing you have to look out for as far as boosters go, is their relationship with a prospective student athlete. Once they are a student athlete, you can pretty much hang out with them every day if you wanted to. Go to dinner with them anytime you wanted to. Go on vacation with them if you wanted to. A booster simply cannot provide a current student athlete with gifts, money, transportation, or entertainment. Of course, if you went on vacation with a booster, of course that would be pretty suspicious. However, if you provided every receipt to where you paid for your part of the trip, the NCAA wouldn't give a shit. There is no rule saying TR can't eat some hibachi with dumbfuck booster. TR just has to pay his own way.
I don't think anybody has denied that this guy knows Alabama football, and Alabama football knows of him.