Should the government be responsible for defining and regulating morality?
I caught a bit of Michael Savage's show yesterday, and he was on some kind of tangent about legalizing prostitution. He allowed a caller to state that legalizing prostitution would destroy marriages because it would be too easy for men to sneak away to a brothel to have sex.
For one, this fails to prove that legalizing prostitution will cause marriages to be destroyed because a person has to make the decision to participate in the act.
Two, while prostitution may not be a common way to satisfy a sexual desire, it isn't that much different from watching pornography, attending a strip club, or engaging in an extramarital affair. If the wife doesn't want her husband doing those legal things and he does, it's going to destroy the marriage.
Again, that's on the husband. Not the legality of prostitution.
Is there another way to argue for the legalization of prostitution?
Well, maybe not for prostitution but more so for the natural rights of all people.
Why do we feel like the Law has to govern how we live our lives? Are we not capable of determining a personal, common set of morals on our own without the aid of the government?
The argument that this would lead to more girls engaging in money for sex fails on the same level as legal prostitution destroying marriages. A girl has to make the choice to become a prostitute. The "sad situations" we are worried about - girls in very rough neighborhoods who are basically forced to become prostitutes - are prostitutes any way without any protection from a union or law enforcement.
The government shouldn't be regulating the options. But then again, we do need to take more personal responsibility in educating about which option leads to the more profitable, productive, happy life.
This isn't just about prostitution. There are many other rules and regulations that seem arbitrary or condescending. The Law treats us like children. Like we wouldn't know any better.
And the more the government gets involved in our lives, the more like children we become. Expecting to be taken care of. Expecting to be given the answer and not have to think for ourselves.
The government should be concerned with protecting our borders from outside threats, protecting its citizens from being harmed by other citizens, and ensuring fairness for everyone in the economy.