« on: June 14, 2011, 10:57:55 AM »
From ITAT:
While the press and fans want to talk about what makes a great coach in terms of being a "CEO", or a great recruiter or a great motivator or a great X's & O's guy, in my opinion, Chizik's genius lies in his understanding of science, in particular, Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. Stay with me, this gets good...
That Chizik could compete against, much less win against, the mighty $aban and the REC, and the bamaham press and the network of HS homer coaches is astonishing to those who don't understand. It is the cause of rival fans, reporters, bloggers to cry foul, to proclaim we must be cheating etc. IMO, what they miss is that you can win without cheating if you can deliver on something that cannot be found anywhere else.
The left brain criteria-based recruiting logic of championships, NFL, facilities, stadium size, comparison to other programs, etc is the way $aban does it, and with great effect to be sure, but Chiz's secret is actually rooted in science. His genius is in knowing that emotions drive ALL behavior and decision-making. The higher he taps into the hierarchy of needs the more exclusive our opportunity becomes.
Anyone who has studied the curriculum knows that there are basically 5 levels: 1- physiological (basic needs of food shelter, clothing,etc.), 2- safety, 3-belonging, 4-esteem, and 5-self actualization. By owning the "AU Family" philosophy in an authentic way, by manifesting it in everything thing we do, say, act, by recruiting coaches who understand our history and believe first in this mission, and by having an administration that supports this mission, we are able to fulfill the higher emotional needs of the kids. While most coaches who recruit are limited to comparison and competition, Chiz recruits to the esteem and self actualization by delivering on a promise that NO OTHER School in America can. Instead of "winning" and "championships" which ( important to be sure) are rooted in the safety, Chizik STARTS with belonging and moves UP from there.
Belonging is such a fundamental emotion, that kids will act in a nefarious manner just to be accepted (as anyone who watches the news can see) but Auburn allows the player to BEGIN with belonging (as opposed to $aban's players fighting for their "safety" so to speak) and grow from there. Our players must perform to be sure, but it is more for the esteem and respect of the family moving forward....see Kodi Burns, the quintessential example of someone who exudes our mission.
The science behind those who (to borrow from our outdoor campaign) "choose Auburn": Our pre-evolutionary limbic brains are responsible for ALL decision making, only then to be rationalized by our prefrontal cortex, but the tie-breaker is ALWAYS emotional. What's interesting to me is that the limbic brain is inaccessible by language, so comparisons don't matter.
"Gut" decisions are outside of comparison and judgement. Because of the authenticity of our history, because it is at the emotional core of what it is to be in the Auburn family, no other program compares, because "comparison" is not part of the equation. The emotional energy manifest in our unique mission appeals to those who "get it" which is exactly who we desire to recruit...sort of a self-fulfilling prophecy, if you will.
It has always been this way, of course, Chizik's was just smart enough to codify and communicate it effectively. Other schools who attempt to copy us as a "tactic" only expose their inauthenticity (which is why uat no longer matters) or are FORCED to compare themselves to AU. Chiz knows that Auburn being Auburn is at a quantum level which puts us in a class by ourselves...and the only comparison is to the standards that we set for ourselves. It doesn't matter who our offensive coordinator is or our d-line coach is or whatever. The parts are replaceable if the mission is internalized. If we hold true, and keep to this mission, we will see the greatest era in Auburn history.http://mbd.scout.com/mb.aspx?s=6&f=1010&t=7593203

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You can keep a wooden stake in your trunk
On the off-chance that the fairy tales ain't bunk
And Imma keep a bottle of that funk
To get motel parking lot, balcony crunk.