i have been trying different things to make burgers better at the nookie house...and over the summer i'll share my success and disasters. include your own if you like.
all of my red meat is purchased from my best friend...these steers are "all natural"

. @ the butcher i have ground beef packaged in 1 lb wraps. this feeds my family of 4 plus the dog. the ground beef is fairly lean per my request. you know i try to sport a 6 pack in the belly.
last night's grill...
seasoned the patties with fresh ground pepper and kosher salt. nothing fancy.
i set the pellet grill/bbq @ 375 using hickory pellets.
in addition to the burgers, i prepared 6 slices of pepper bacon for the bbq. i made a tray using heavy duty al+ foil to set the bacon in. btw ...this is the best way to cook bacon. no greasy mess, cooks slow and no smoke detectors blaring.
side note...we make our own bacon but i did not have any thawed so i purchased from the butcher @ safeway.
both burgers and bacon grilled for 20 minutes. turned each about half way through the cook.
just before the burgers were ready for cheese i took the bacon off but kept the al+ tray. i placed the burgers in the bacon fat for a quick sizzle on each side.
i placed the burgers back on the grate for cheese. the kids get american while the skirt and i both used local made pepper jack cheese.
garnishments...on the burger and bun.
bacon, crisp.
fresh made guacamole.
vidalia onion.
hot house grown tomato...teh suxxor but that is what i get for living in the pacific northwest.
an 8 out 10 on the tasty scale...doesn't sound a lot different for most people who make bacon burgers @ home, but grilling the bacon then slapping the patties in bacon grease for a few moments made a little tweak to a common bacon burger. plus the fresh made guacamole was teh bueno.