NO was an interesting place to visit. Bourbon Street was fun the two nights we went up and down, but it kind of became the same thing, walk up and down (drink) and people watch.
Did the Café Du mont-Meh- Over priced powder sugar. But you go at least once. Went in the side door by the front-Sat right down. Walked around Jackson square.
Did two sister café for the brunch Friday morning. Excellent food.
Took a tour of the city Friday afternoon-They allowed to drink on the bus-We made them pull over a few times. The way they use to bury folks there was interesting. They now allow cremations. 9th ward (different world) The driver took us to spot and told that where we were sitting that during Katrina the whole bus would have been under water.
Other eatin places.
Port-of-call-shit load of beer and best burger I’ve had in a while all for a good price.
NOLA (most over priced place)
Hotel restaurant. (see pic of oysters)