Last night I'm flipping channels and come across this roundtable discussion on the hot topic of the recent weeks.....OSU. The panel includes Matt Millen, Rod Gilmore and Andre Ware among others. The first thing I hear is Rod Gilmore saying....and I paraphrase...
The media has treated Jim Tressel like the golden boy but the real issue here is how the young African American male is being crucified. Terrell Pryor is being treated like a villian while Tressel is getting off sccott free. Young African American males in this country...blah, blah, blah...racist rant..racist rant.
Andre Ware followed and basically said I usually agree with Rod but he's full of shit on this issue. Terrell Pryor has to take responsibility for his actions and showing up to a team meeting in that car on top of everything else was just wrong.
Bottom line...Rod Gilmore is a huge part of what's wrong in this country where race relations are concerned. The OSU situation has absolutely ZERO to do with race and to try and make it so shows him to be as big a racist as anyone out there in my book. Screw him.