So I get in line at the local food Lion to get a pound of hamburger meat, some french fries, and a bag of buns. This almost obese redneck woman in front of me (maybe mid 50's) is buying the following:
9 rolls of Willy Wonka sweet tart type candy
7 bags of peanut M&Ms
1 Snickers
1 Kitcat
2 12 packs of Diet Dr Pepper (yeah I know, wonder why she chose diet)
Above freeloading, redneck, Obama Voting woman proceeds to pay for said items with her Alabama food stamp card.

Why in the fuck can we not set up some sort of deal where these people are only allowed to buy the nescessities for survival? You know Milk, eggs, cheese, hamburger meat, cannned veggies, etc? If these freeloading sons a bitches want to drink Dr Pepper and eat Snickers they need to get a fucking job so they can afford them.