on TOS bammers were denying these shirts existed.
the tee shirt shop that keeps repeating the same tired got___? crap over and over needs to be blown up
got 12?
got shula?
got saban?
got recruits?
Sad, really, really sad ( in a hilariously funny kind of way. )
Was it ever witty to begin with? It's based off the Got Milk ads that haven't even run in a decade or so.
But that shirt is about the funniest thing I've seen all week. Sooo typical bamer, it's like it was made as a joke.
Fear the future...

... The thumb really hurt, and when we shoved that sixth finger in there, it hurt even worse. "Fear the hypothetical future!". Yeah yeah, we know the drill. Has there been a season since our streak began that you weren't "back"?