Exact-a-fucking-mundo, Jarhead.
But it's worse than that, now. I think the teachers are just as stupid and naive as the kids, parents, principals, and politicians.
But what's causing this? Do I blame minorities? Do I blame the way we're attempting to help minorities? I can't blame minorities. I'm not racist. I understand wanting to help underprivileged kids. I do. I try to. I stay after work to tutor. Most of the time, kids that need tutoring don't have moms and dads at home who have the ability to tutor.
More thoughts on this -
Why are schools rewarded with funding for having school programs? The more school programs, the more money. Why?
We're producing kids who can't think. Can't do. Can't cope. Can't create. Can't analyze. Can't critique.
We also teach them that they're wrong to do those things. I have a pacing guide that details the curriculum. Exactly what I should teach. Exactly when I should teach it. The pacing guide is jammed pack with content that connects to the graduation exam.
A kid doesn't like Romeo and Juliet? Fuck you, asshole. You're a disruption.
And that's another thing. Why am I teaching kids how to sit in a desk? Why is this a daily task? Who the fuck doesn't know how to sit in a desk?
Every teacher I have talked to - from multiple schools and various environments - have agreed that the kids today are different than they were just a few years ago. A noticeable change in behavior. A noticeable increase in apathy. A noticeable decrease in potential.
No Child Left Behind is the obvious answer. But is that it? Is that the real culprit? I really don't know, but someone needs to brainstorm. Not someone. Multiple people.
Why are the kids misbehaving? Is it because stupid kids are placed in the classroom with them? Or is it something else?
When people feel like they're getting screwed, they rebel. When people feel like they're being forced to waste their time, they rebel. I think that's what's happening. Kids are rebelling in a different way.
In my grade and subject, there is one teacher who says the kids seem alright. She teachers four honors classes, one advanced class, and an honors creative writing class. The other three of us? No honors classes? We're dealing with the "kid likes to beat his dick on the desk" stories.
My wife teaches 3rd grade GRC. Gifted kids. They don't follow a curriculum. She loves it. Her kids are allowed to create. They're allowed to think. They're allowed to enjoy what they're doing. Recently, they studied photosynthesis. They grew a garden. A fucking garden! The flowers bloomed, and my wife took pictures. They then created a scrapbook to end the year. And the kids not only know photosynthesis, they know what it means. They felt it.
And she gets told her job is a waste of time. It's not the real curriculum. It's elitist. It's a drain on the funding.
Because we all know that funding is so important and frail. We all know that schools have to be technologically proficient. We need new computers all the time. We have to have Elmos, interwrite pads, digital projectors, smartboards, laptops, clickers. And to have those things, we have to have money. Our Algebra IB class didn't have enough textbooks for the kids. But we have fucking ELMOS.
Perhaps I need to stop. It is close to summer, right?