Points that have been raised that I agree with totally:
1) Merit pay. No. Fucking. Way.
When my wife and I lived in Atlanta, she taught 4th grade at a school off Bankhead Highway. She would have students that came into her class that couldn't read. Not at a 4th grade level. Not at a kindergarten level. But who couldn't read. Fucking period. By the end of the school year, they were reading at a kindergarten level. You and I would look at that and say that she had success with them. Merit pay would say, well, they aren't reading at a 4th grade level, so my wife wouldn't be eligible.
2) It's the parents.
Same school in Atlanta. During Christmas, I'd go into the classroom for the Christmas party (fucking PC, it's a Christmas party, not a fucking holiday party). So one time, I read to the kids. This girl comes up to me after and told me that I was the first male to have ever read a book to her.
As mentioned earlier, when my wife would need parents to volunteer for things, she'd be lucky to get one. Contrast that to the school outside St Louis We live in a small community. Very close to an AFB, I'd say about 30% of her class right now is made up of military brats. Another 40% are farmer's kids. When she asks for volunteers, she has more parents than children.
Some of these kids in Atlanta are just in no win situations. Single parent homes, with the mom working 2 or 3 jobs, just to make ends meet. The 4th grader, who was the oldest, would have to make dinner for the 2nd grader and 1st grader.
But how do you fix that? I have no fucking idea. And don't get me wrong, when I'd go into the class in Atlanta, the kids were great. They were energetic, they wanted to learn. I think, as cliche as this sounds, all they need is some love.