So Vedder singled you out for not joining in the mosh pit?

My buddy and I saw them at Tipitina's in NOLA. We got there about 45 min before the show started, and it was packed. We went upstairs to get a beer. The NOPD had a barricade about 5 feet away from the balcony, and we were just leaning on the barricade talking to some girls there. This cop comes up, and asks me to help him move the barricade all the way to the balcony, which I did, and then the cop let us stand there, directly over the stage. We thought this was much better, since the girls we were talking to were still there, than going into the mosh pit below.
Near the end of the show, Vedder looks up and me and my buddy, says "you guys got the expensive seats, huh?" and then adds, "while you guys saw Pearl Jam, these guys survived Pearl Jam" and pointed at the pit. Finally he says, "I won't call you any names, but these guys in the pit might think you're a pussy." And then I yelled fuck you, which you can faintly hear on the WTUL bootleg that I have.